Surprise! Countries with legal prostitution have far better protections and services for prostitutes! And also: illegalizing prostitution doesn’t stop prostitution.
Another shock from history: prohibition didn’t stop people from making and drinking alcohol, and while ending prohibition didn’t stop people from dying from alcohol-related issues, it did almost eliminate people being killed by drinking bad batches of bathtub gin.
Oh, hell, while I’m on a rant: legalizing LSD and mushrooms wouldn’t cause a pandemic of drug use, but it would ensure that when people took what they they thought was LSD it didn’t turn out to be a poison instead.
Surprise! Countries with legal prostitution have far better protections and services for prostitutes! And also: illegalizing prostitution doesn’t stop prostitution.
Another shock from history: prohibition didn’t stop people from making and drinking alcohol, and while ending prohibition didn’t stop people from dying from alcohol-related issues, it did almost eliminate people being killed by drinking bad batches of bathtub gin.
Oh, hell, while I’m on a rant: legalizing LSD and mushrooms wouldn’t cause a pandemic of drug use, but it would ensure that when people took what they they thought was LSD it didn’t turn out to be a poison instead.