I have always wanted to play guitar, and now that i am an adult with adult money i am finally going to learn. I am a lefty, and i do just about everything lefty and always have. archery is about the only thing i know i do righty and that is because the gear i had access to as a kid was right-handed.

I have access to a right-handed guitar, but not to a left-handed guitar to compare.

Curious what other sinister guitarists think before i shell out cash for a lefty.

  • OnePhoenix@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m a lefty. Learned guitar right handed. Been playing for 30 years.

    Reasons to learn right handed: guitars are (generally) cheaper and easier to come by.

    Reasons to learn left handed: if someone hands you a guitar at a party and asks you to play ‘Wonderwall’ you can easily decline.