I obviously like Lemmy, but i wonder if there are more interesting alternatives i don’t know about.

I would interested in some objective analysis, I doesn’t have to be really popular , it can be just a place to post for some extra quality discussion.

  • @wiki_me@lemmy.mlOP
    63 years ago

    I like both lemmy and tildes, but i think lemmy is currently the best “batteries included” alternative, what i like about it:

    • open source and under the AGPL, so no chance of it becoming purely proprietary, it can also be forked if it goes in a bad direction or some one wants to do something more innovating with the design.
    • separates the counts of upvotes and downvotes, so if 300 people liked my post and upvoted it and 600 hated it and downvoted it i can still know 300 people liked it
    • federated, disputes about moderation policies will probably happen, So if you don’t like it start your own instance and let the best moderator win, let the best moderation policy evolve naturally.
    • mark replies as read manually just like email which is nice if you read a replay and return to it later.

    what i like about tildes:

    • has an exemplary tag you can give only once every 8 hours, i feel it encourages more high quality content
    • it can show you new comments since your last visited
    • it has a few large groups and you can’t add more but you can tag stuff, you can then treat a tag like a subreddit and see the top posts for a certain period of time (e.g. the highest voted posts this week tagged with “social media”). so you don’t have to start a small subreddit and then work hard to gain readers.

    Stuff they both miss:

    advantage they both have (that not all other alternatives seem to have):

    • sorting by top of week/month/whatever, useful if you visit just occasionally but looking for high quality stuff.