The Senate on Thursday confirmed Anna Gomez, President Bidenā€™s pick for the Federal Communications Commission, ending a lengthy partisan split at the regulatory agency and giving Democrats the power to carry out major agenda items.

Senators voted 55-43 to confirm Gomez, an FCC veteran who is currently a communications policy adviser for the State Department. Gomez will take the third Democratic seat on the five-member commission, which oversees broadband and communications regulation.

The move returns the agency to full strength for the first time under Biden, whose initial pick for the FCC role Gigi Sohn withdrew after a contentious 16-month confirmation battle. The impasse has left the agency without a Democratic majority for the entirety of Bidenā€™s term until now.

Consumer advocates said the two-and-a-half-year delay hampered the FCCā€™s ability to carry out critical tasks aimed at protecting Americans from potential abuse by the telecom giants, including reinstating the Obama-era net neutrality regulations, which bar internet service providers from blocking or throttling content.

Gomezā€™s confirmation could also unlock the agencyā€™s ability to carry out more aggressive oversight of the telecommunications sector, which Biden called for in a 2021 executive order, including potentially imposing more stringent utility-style regulation under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.

Biden initially nominated Sohn, another FCC alum and longtime consumer advocate, to the agencyā€™s third Democrat seat in October 2021. Senate Republican leaders sharply criticized Sohn as a ā€œpartisan,ā€ citing her past remarks and social media activity on political matters, and conservative groups mounted a broad campaign to tank her nomination.

In March, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) dealt Sohnā€™s nomination a major blow by publicly opposing her and accusing her of holding ā€œpartisan alliances with far-left groups.ā€

Sohn withdrew hours later, citing what she called ā€œunrelenting, dishonest and cruel attacksā€ against her spurred on by cable and media industry lobbyists.

Sohn, who would have been the agencyā€™s first openly gay commissioner, said in an interview after withdrawing that she also faced repeated attacks over her sexual identity.

Biden nominated Gomez to fill the seat in June, with the White House touting her ā€œextensive experience in domestic and international communications law and policyā€ in its announcement.

Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), the top Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee, expressed reservations about Gomezā€™s views during her June nomination hearing, saying he was not ā€œcomfortableā€ that she ā€œpossesses the independence and regulatory humility necessary for confirmation.ā€ But the panel advanced her nomination in July.

Once sworn in, Gomez will become the first Latina to serve on the commission since Gloria Tristani stepped down from the agency in 2001, according to the National Hispanic Media Coalition advocacy group. Hispanic civil rights groups had long called on Biden to fill the FCCā€™s third seat with a Latina or Latino nominee, even as Sohnā€™s nomination was still pending.

Sen. Ben Ray LujĆ”n (D-N.M.), chair of the Senate Commerce communications subcommittee and one of a half-dozen Hispanic members in the Senate, said he was ā€œproudā€ that Gomezā€™s confirmation would bring a ā€œstrong Latinaā€ to the FCC, which has spearheaded efforts to boost diversity in the media industry.

ā€œTo me, diversity matters with thought and experience in this space,ā€ LujĆ”n told The Washington Post in a brief interview Wednesday.

During the Trump administration, the Republican-led FCC spearheaded sweeping efforts to deregulate the telecommunications sector, moves that Democrats are now expected to reverse.

      1 year ago

      It took her years to get confirmed, after the first nominee quit after 16 months of debate because she was getting harassed. Imagine how much could have been done in that time! Adding to that, Republicans actively block any nominees from Dems because of ā€œpartisanshipā€, then donā€™t give a flying fuck about that when confirming their own. This is an extremely inefficient system, and it isnā€™t hard to do better.