Too much $ to host videos from the sound of it. Too many instances vanish. Strict upload limits means it’s more suitable as a gif meme host for your element memes that you don’t care about than an actual YouTube alternative.

Anyone else feel similar?

  • poVoq
    71 year ago

    As others have alluded to, hosting videos is not cheap even with webtorrent enabled. There probably needs to be some sort of subscription model or at least a large enough donation base to run this sustainably. And it is also hard to attract content creators when the incumbent competition is actually paying people for it.

    At least the latest released added automatic mirroring of YT channels so that maybe some content creators will at least put up a mirror on a PeerTube instance.

    61 year ago

    I really like peertube. Making any alternative to youtube is very very hard. Videos do take a huge amount of storage, that’s just a fact of life and no better system could help with that.

  • 10_0
    51 year ago

    Hot take here: peertube is too decentralized and offers nothing that YouTube or even paid platforms can’t do better. The technology behind it works, but with nothing marketable that creators or viewers care about its a hard sell. Most viewers don’t want to make 7 different accounts for 7 different instances, this is something Lemmy gets right by allowing cross-instance commenting from 1 account, while also not forcing creators to “just make their own instance”. Creators aren’t System admins that want to host their own server. (That be will ignored if you don’t spam the main instance with adverts)

      • 10_0
        41 year ago

        In my experience of using peertube I made an account and was able to subscribe to 2 channels before it started asking me to make accounts.
        I did some research and I think that the token rewards are a legitimate incentive for creators who care about block-chain technology, and the viewer experience is comparable to YouTube.
        However I would say that YouTube paying creators in Fiat is a bigger incentive than tokens. (Because of the exchange fees and gas fees not allowing people to withdraw small amounts in Fiat.)
        I do know of lots of YouTubers who use Odysee as a “backup” or second platform.

      • O Galdo
        1 year ago

        You can comment using an account in a different Peertube instance, even using another Fediverse service. But the experience depends on the federation between instances.

        It is possible to access a Peertube video from a account, using a browser. It is an example:

        But you need to follow some steps.

        The simplest way to interact in a Peertube video using Lemmy or Mastodon is using the video URL (you can use Sepia Search to look for videos across different instances) and paste it in the search bar of your Lemmy or Mastodon account.

        You can also search for hashtags or text, but the content needs to be previously federated in some way that I don’t understand.

    59 months ago

    I think the business model where peertube really works looks something like a creator co-op. I think Nebula works under a similar system.

  • Retronautickz
    110 months ago

    I don’t think peertube could ever be a replacement to youtube, at least not to the “new” youtube which main goal is commercial content creation. Peertube cannot pay the content creators the way youtube does, because, for ones, it doesn’t make any money from adds nor is owned by a corporation.

    What peertube can aim to, is to be like the older youtube/dailymotion/etc were people posted videos of the things they liked, without monetisation or influencers. Because it will never fully attract influencers.