Vent your rage and or employment woes. I am having a bad time looking for a job as an employed keyboard-jockie. Hate my current job can’t find another.

The employment process sucks, the ghosting sucks, the endless automations and inhuman interactions just to find a job. The quantification of every part of the job process is bonkers. Reading all of this fluffy nondescript job profiles is a job in and of itself

The meta-game of having to “optimize” your resume to be read by an A.I. or to having to use an A.I. for the application itself just sucks. All this work for an entry to middle level job that barely covers your bills is just soul draining.

All these employers want you to have 2-5 years experience and a masters degree for a starter position. It’s all just terrible.

It feels like “finding a job” is a skill in and of itself in a way it should not be. “Job hunting” is also a deeply solo thing, even using your professional and/or social network pits you against the “The Market”. It sucks so much.

“The Market” is so bad at everything. We could all more easily organize work and finding work if we all weren’t alienated independent nodes all forced into battle. Yet another reason planning and democratic processes are better than this weird tyranny of “the free market”.

Jump in this thread and be mad with me. Big mad.

  • Nationalgoatism [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The most annoying thing for me is the ones who keep me in the dark. Just send me an email saying “applications are still being processed, expect to hear back in x” “we selected another applicant” or even “we aren’t gonna hire you lmao” would be better than that

    • Torenico [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I had a job application earlier this year, a position that would help me greatly and I desired a lot. I submitted my entry and they didn’t answer back for like two months, when they did they gave me an interview that went well and a week after I was rejected because “Your CV isn’t what we’re looking for atm”

      It felt so fucking bad