• eshep
      11 year ago

      @yogthos @brombek Love this saying! I use one much like it on a very regular basis; “you’ll never learn to fix what yer scared to break”. Although, I’ve been using gentoo for nearly 20 years and have never heard anyone say this about it.

      • James Dreben :mw:
        1 year ago

        @eshep If you don’t mind, I’ll repeat this saying. You’ll never learn to fix what you don’t break… or have lots of users on your product willing to break it for you!

        A similar thing I’ve learned is something like… Success very rarely if ever happens the first time. Everything great is built by those who have failed in the attempt to do something similar many, many times.

        Failing repeatedly in the attempt to do something great can be more indicative of success than… “not failing” is.

  • @2wT@lemmy.ml
    21 year ago

    Personally I found Fedora a great compromise in between. I never really had any issues with it and it is fairly up to date in terms of packages.