• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • It is good and reasonable to be continually skeptical of the people and organizations we get involved with, and I appreciate your warning and looking out for bad organizations.

    On the other hand, my experience in politics leads me to believe that if you sit around waiting for the perfect allies, you will usually be waiting alone for a very long time.

    Looking at this group, it looks like in my state (Utah) they have been key support for a couple of well respected local nonprofits that have done great work on RCV and anti gerrymandering. That doesn’t sound like such a bad thing to me.

    I think it’s a mistake generally to view Republicans as the enemy. Even if they are in a leadership role like in the RNC. For example, in Utah, nothing gets done without Republican approval. So saying “I won’t work with you because you’re Republican” here is a losing strategy to make changes. And we now have the beginnings of progress on RCV.

    So I think we should continue to be vigilant and watch out for the first signs that people are acting in bad faith. But if we want our ideas to be popular, we are going to need to learn to (without compromising our own values) build a bigger tent.

  • Dempf@lemmy.ziptoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon challenges a fine
    4 days ago

    My understanding is usually you can go before the judge and explain that the higher insurance rates will be a burden for you. Usually you don’t necessarily need a lawyer to go and ask for that. The judge will often add some stipulations like double the fine you pay now, and you can’t get another ticket for a certain amount of time.

    When I lived in Illinois they had formalized the process and called it “court supervision” which is an option you can check on the ticket, but you do have to appear in court. Can’t get another speeding ticket for a year, and they won’t report it to insurance.

    When I got a second speeding ticket though after 11 months, I did hire a lawyer. He requested continuance for me, so that by the time they heard the case, it had been 12 months, and I could do a second court supervision. Since then I decided to try to avoid getting more tickets.

  • That is correct. People will typically get loans for larger purchases like solar panels so that they don’t need to pay everything upfront, but for smaller purchases like maybe $1,000 a loan isn’t really worth it, and you’ll need funds set aside to pay the contractor now and expect to see the money back when you file.

    Also worth checking state/local incentives. In my state our gas company has weatherization rebates. They did air sealing and added insulation to our attic (up to a certain R value) all for free - they billed it directly to the gas company. When they were out here, I paid for a bit of extra insulation because I thought we needed it, but the base amount was completely free.