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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Im Artikel heißt es:

    Im Brennpunkt stehen unterschwellige, körperliche, verbale oder andere nicht körperliche Formen sexueller Belästigung im öffentlichen Raum.

    Ich glaube, dass die Wirkung (wenn überhaupt) eher unterbewusst ist, indem nochmal deutlich gehabt wird, dass auch diese weniger offensichtliche Art der sexuellen Belästigung gesellschaftlich nicht akzeptabel ist.

    Gerade durch den politischen Rechtsruck scheint sowas wieder eher akzeptiert zu sein, daher kann ich die Aktion schon verstehen.

  • You sure glazed over the discrimination I was talking about

    Because it isn’t as widespread in the LGBT-Community as you pretend. Sure there is transphobia even in queer spaces but

    1. It’s also against trans women
    2. It sure waaaaaaaay less than the hate you get from the general public

    I was talking about just to correct me on something that didn’t need to be corrected.

    That your opinion and most trans people would disagree. And it also was one small point that you wanted to argue about instead of looking it up on the internet.

    I deal with enough racism and homophobia in real life. I don’t want to deal with it here too.

    I guess you’re trolling right now. This was only about transphobia and nothing else

  • As a queer person myself I’ve not yet seen something like this at least not something common or popular. The mainstream LGBTQ+ community is clearly accepting of trans men and most of the “in-fighting” in queer communities is made up by conservatives.

    And btw you should use trans man instead of transman because the latter implies trans men are somewhat different from “regular” men.