• 19 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • That’s not my interpretation but I accept it’s yours. As a queer person, I see it simply pointing out the pandering while still allowing my rights to be eroded. They could have easily put something pandering to women there as well, which would be more apropos considering Dem failure and incompetence to pass laws regarding abortion rights which later resulted in harm to women when abortion rights were eroded. And Dem incompetence is unacceptable as an excuse - doctors are tried for negligence with their job when it results in killing a patient. It’s not a cutsy oops when the Dems do it either. They absolutely share blame for the women currently dying.

    It’s okay to be white. It’s what I am. Race isn’t performative anyway. It isn’t okay to enforce white supremacy, and I’m not.

    Bernie campaign issues (and Bernie would have won against Trump, he was more popular overall than Trump or Hilary - this is what I mean when I say Dems let Trump win in 2016 rather than vote for Bernie/a progressive): https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/14/16640082/donna-brazile-warren-bernie-sanders-democratic-primary-rigged

    The core facts are straightforward: As Barack Obama’s presidency drew to a close, the DNC was deep in debt. In return for a bailout, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign more potential control over its operations and hiring decisions than was either ethical or wise.


    The DNC, in response to inappropriate behavior from a Sanders staffer who DNC staff had recommended and the campaign had already fired [and reported], suspended Sanders’ access to important voter data in violation of its contract with his campaign.

    While Clinton was dinging Sanders on his ostensible disregard for party fundraising, the “so-called joint fundraising committee comprised of Clinton’s presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee and 32 state party committees” was exploiting loopholes in campaign finance laws to funnel the bulk of its resources to Clinton and Clinton alone.

    Even into late May, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was leaning heavily into biased, anti-Sanders messaging, and leaked emails confirm that she and other DNC leaders actively sought to undermine the Sanders campaign.

    inappropriately including superdelegates in their reporting to make it look like Clinton was winning big

    They should also, however, more seriously consider where voters’ concerns come from and stop insisting the system isn’t “rigged.” People think “the entire political process is unfair” because it is. And many doubt that “the outcome of the [Democratic primary] process was legitimate” for good reason.

    Lol it’s amazing. I’m trying to stop us all from certain death by getting people to talk about and want policies that will keep us alive - we are just in such a bad situation that those policies will have to be extreme or we will all literally die. Dems don’t have those policies. They are going to kill us. We need real leftists and real progressives to live. In the meantime, sure, vote for the best candidate available to you. But like, AMOC collapse is imminent within years. It could be next year. Do you think it helps the world’s poorest people to vote in capitalist governments that exacerbate climate change that then kills the world’s poorest people?

    Capitalism requires poverty and slavery in order to extract wealth and give it to the capitalists. It should be illegal to extract wealth from another human being like that. We should all have equal ownership in our workplaces.

  • The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order by Gary Gerstle:


    A political order must have the ability to shape the core ideas of political life. It must be able to do so not just for one political party’s most ardent supporters but for people located across the political spectrum. The New Deal order sold a large majority of Americans on the proposition that a strong central state could manage a dynamic but dangerous capitalist economy in the public interest. The neoliberal order persuaded a large majority of Americans that free markets would unleash capitalism from unnecessary state controls and spread prosperity and personal freedom throughout the ranks of Americans and then throughout the world. Neither of these propositions today commands the support or authority that they once possessed. Political disorder and dysfunction reign. What comes next is the most important question in the United States, and the world, now face.

    Capitalism has already killed us all. https://www.ecowatch.com/planetary-boundaries-ocean-acidification-climate-science.html

    We’ve already died, just waiting for the last gasps of society, and yes it’s been the Democrat’s fault too. Like the time they gave Trump the 2016 election because they didn’t want Bernie to win, and in court admitted they did not have to have impartial elections. I will never forget watching Debbie Wasserman-Schulz’s testimony and I unregistered as a Democrat because of it. There are SERIOUS problems in the Democratic party. Not least because they adhere to capitalism and neoliberalism. Which again, has literally extincted almost our whole planet.


    The working class will die first, as will all groups that get labeled outsiders or burdens until the rich are left to die somewhat reminiscent of the Titanic sub: from their own hubris and inability to submit to mother earth.

    I’ve seen tornados. What is going to happen to our planet is much more extreme. Billions will die and probably no humans will make it due to massive ecosystem collapse and species diversity collapse.

    Your last paragraph doesn’t make sense. The point is that Dems use advertisements and marketing to say “no” to specific voting demographics while not helping them, either. It is saying nothing about queer or black people being working class or not.

  • The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order by Gary Gerstle:


    A political order must have the ability to shape the core ideas of political life. It must be able to do so not just for one political party’s most ardent supporters but for people located across the political spectrum. The New Deal order sold a large majority of Americans on the proposition that a strong central state could manage a dynamic but dangerous capitalist economy in the public interest. The neoliberal order persuaded a large majority of Americans that free markets would unleash capitalism from unnecessary state controls and spread prosperity and personal freedom throughout the ranks of Americans and then throughout the world. Neither of these propositions today commands the support or authority that they once possessed. Political disorder and dysfunction reign. What comes next is the most important question in the United States, and the world, now face.

    Capitalism has already killed us all. https://www.ecowatch.com/planetary-boundaries-ocean-acidification-climate-science.html

    We’ve already died, just waiting for the last gasps of society, and yes it’s been the Democrat’s fault too. Like the time they gave Trump the 2016 election because they didn’t want Bernie to win, and in court admitted they did not have to have impartial elections. I will never forget watching Debbie Wasserman-Schulz’s testimony and I unregistered as a Democrat because of it. There are SERIOUS problems in the Democratic party. Not least because they adhere to capitalism and neoliberalism. Which again, has literally extincted almost our whole planet.


    Even if they had full power, the Dems will put forth capitalist policies that will make things worse. Their platform is explicitly capitalist and this has been confirmed by partly leadership Nancy Pelosi. Capitalism is directly the cause of our planet’s death. At least they weren’t as shitty as the Republicans though? Like yes obviously Kamala is the better choice to Trump, but in terms of preventing mass death, neither have adequate policies. Just one is less bad in many ways and good in other ways.

  • What conditions have changed in present day that would make denying someone their right to vote not fascist?

    You mean you’re quitting because you’ve obviously lost.

    Making a fascist idea into an official amendment does not make it less fascist but instead more so.

    The point of me referencing the constitution was to show that indeed, many many many people think like I do, so much so it’s in our literal constitution. Keep up with your own arguments.

  • Making education a REQUIREMENT to voting is 100% fascism, and saying fascist ideals and dog whistles isn’t okay. Making education a requirement to voting is inherently discriminatory.

    I get that you’re trying to gaslight me, it’s kinda cute. Rawr, you almost bamboozled me. I’m not overreacting and I’ve linked numerous very reputable sources. One of which is the literal constitution, which you’re dismissing by saying it can be amended eventually lol. I mean lol. Yes but currently everyone else including Dem president Lyndon B Johnson and Bill Clinton and Obama and Biden and Harris currently all are fine with this constitution as it is. Like we have a ton of establishment agreement here. It actually hurts the Harris campaign to advocate for something like this - maybe you want people to vote 3rd party.

    You want to amend the constitution to reduce people’s ability to vote, which you claim is no biggie and def not fascism lol.

    I agree we need more accessible education - through a free national online school with adaptive learning and no time limits or age restrictions. If grandpa wants to learn 5th grade science or computer science, let him and give him the educational credit. Build an educational legacy.

    But we don’t need to make education a reason to deny someone their right to vote.

  • https://civilrights.org/blog/to-honor-brown-v-board-of-education-give-everyone-the-ballot/

    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 established the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and authorized officials to seek injunctions against voting discrimination. The Civil Rights Act of 1960 allowed federal inspection of local registration polls and created penalties for obstructing the vote. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned unequal requirements for voter registration and prohibited denying the right to vote based on non-material errors.

    But it was not until Bloody Sunday in Selma — where former Rep. John Lewis and hundreds of voting rights marchers were assaulted and beaten on the world stage — that President Johnson and Congress would deliver the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). The VRA outlawed voting discrimination and required jurisdictions with a history of voting discrimination to seek preclearance of voting changes from the Department of Justice or a federal court. Its impact was immediate; by the end of the year, a quarter of a million new Black voters had registered.

    And, the Supreme Court has substantially weakened what remains of the VRA. One federal appellate court also recently ruled that voters of color can no longer even pursue claims under this law.

    Instead, as Dr. King urged in the wake of the Brown decision, we must demand the president and Congress protect the right of everyone to vote, regardless of their race or background. We need legislative remedies that will immediately and permanently restore the ability of every citizen to fully participate in democracy. Congress can and should pass at the very first opportunity a trifecta of voting rights bills that would reinstate and strengthen the provisions of the VRA and expand access to the ballot in a host of meaningful ways for communities of color. And President Biden should continue urging Congress to do so until it happens.

    In his “Give Us the Ballot” speech, Dr. King recognized that the right to vote is foundational and protects all other rights and freedoms: “Give us the ballot, and we will no longer have to worry the federal government about our basic rights.” Today, we face an intersectional moment where every freedom and right we enjoy is in jeopardy. From reproductive rights to climate justice to labor rights to protecting against LGBTQ discrimination, the pathway for change that our communities seek is through the ballot — at the federal, state, and local level.

    I can link this literature allllll day

  • https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt14-S1-8-6-2/ALDE_00013450/

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    The Supreme Court has determined that, under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, states may require a duration of residency as a qualification to vote, but such requirements will be held unconstitutional unless the state can show that the requirement is necessary to serve a compelling interest.1 According to the Court in Dunn v. Blumstein, [t]his exacting test applies because the right to vote is a fundamental political right . . . preservative of all rights, and because a durational residence requirement directly impinges on the exercise of a second fundamental personal right, the right to travel.2 While acknowledging that states have a legitimate and compelling interest in preventing fraud by voters, in Dunn, the Court determined that a one-year residency requirement in a state and a three-month residency requirement in a county was not necessary to further a compelling governmental interest.3 In contrast, the Court in Marston v. Lewis upheld a fifty-day durational residency and voter registration requirement, determining that the law was necessary to serve the State’s important interest in accurate voter lists.4

    Kinda seems like majority opinion agrees with me that making education a requirement to vote would be blatantly unconstitutional. Because it denies people their right to vote. Which is literally fascism - an authoritarian dictatorship - when people don’t have democracy or the ability to vote.

  • The other person commenting that they prefer more informed votes to uninformed votes doesn’t even begin to border on removing anyone’s rights,

    I have no issue with this statement. I quoted exactly what I took issue with, which is that they said “it should be a REQUIREMENT to have an education in order to vote.” That’s literally unconstitutional and illegal and fascist. Just like any other fascist speech, I am against that. That is indeed advocating to take away people’s right to vote. Quite clearly.

  • I already explained that you speak and type the same. No, that’s not something I do, but that’s something you seem to do. Based on you doing it.

    I quoted the speech you engaged in exactly as it relates to anti-democracy speech and dog whistles.

    I’m not engaging in conspiratorial thinking, that’s not what that is. Conspiratorial thinkers are known for:

    displaying a deep skepticism that who one votes for really matters.

    Gee, I think that voting really counts. Conspiratorial thinkers believe that voting is pointless. I also think people should run for office and use their rights and communicate with their government. I am not antigovernment. Wild, it’s like you’re wrong and you think that conspiratorial thinking just means suspecting anyone of being hostile. Lol.

    I’m so tired of fascists.