Orion (awooo)

  • 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Currently:

    • Caddy (reverse proxy & website)
    • Matrix (Synapse)
    • E-Mail (maddy)
    • Vaultwarden
    • Xonotic server
    • Resonite headless
    • Prometheus + Grafana (internal, monitoring)
    • dnscrypt-proxy & dnsmasq (for internal DNS)
    • gotosocial (testing)
    • cage (kiosk wayland compositor) with kitty and btop for a nice stat display on the device

    All of it running from a phone with Linux :3

    I used to have Nextcloud on this thing, but I found it to be insanely heavy for what it does and not very useful when I can just chuck files to the web server if I want to share them.

  • I think what they mean is that someone unfamiliar with your line of work might even read the entire post and come away with it with the view of “Okay, and?” since the title told them this was going to be about “What Does It Mean To Be A Signal Competitor?”

    The problem there is that what Signal is is different to different people, someone might for example use it like any other chat application, in which case even something like Telegram (ew) or Discord could be an alternative to them.

    Again, if someone is familiar with your blog, they’ll know what you mean, but the blog post can be viewed by someone in isolation, in which case it won’t be so clear, especially since it’s also in relation to moving off of Telegram, which is not an E2EE platform at all by default

  • It’s honestly pretty hard for me to find media I can swallow because of having an anxiety trigger that is so common.

    Most media has depictions of death or loss in it, and I’ve come across first person descriptions that were so immersive that my heart was actually pounding and I had to take a few days to stop feeling down, and it’s not something the authors usually mention explicitly. So in the end I don’t really watch or read anything serious these days.

  • That’s really the thing with Steam in general, from a consumer perspective it’s a very good and honest service, it actually adds to the experience of playing games instead of being an annoyance.

    A lot of other stores feel like only shells made around popular titles to promote more stuff and lock people into using them. More launchers won’t solve the monopoly of Steam, you’ll just end up with as many as there are streaming services.

    That’s not the case for GOG and Itch, but there you don’t get the same level of experience.

  • Hmm I think my main concern would be lack of kernel/firmware updates, running something like postmarketOS could partly solve that and still be nearly as easy to set up (just unlock and flash a prebuilt image)

    But firmware is still almost entirely dependent on the vendor, since it’s all signed and unpatchable.

    Next issue would be lack of connectivity on a lot of phones, which have gone backwards and include USB 2.0 now. WiFi is an option, but less stable, I personally decided to just go 100Mbps and suffer.

    As for the battery, it would help a lot if phones were designed to boot without one and they were removable, it all worked well for about half a year until I found out I had a spicy pillow and had to replace it with direct power to the board, which made the whole setup much less elegant and required soldering.

    It all comes down to how devices are designed in the end. If someone took the time to make a computer instead of just a phone, and included features that make it useful past its initial life that aren’t that popular (display output, microsd, headphone jack), mainlined all the drivers and maintained firmware, that would be a different story.

    But that’s not a very profitable model, because it’s all about reducing waste and thus selling less. A lot needs to change.

  • I love furgonomics!

    For a sci-fi story I’m slowly chipping away at I’m sort of trying to answer the question of how anthros could arise from humans, so that kinda sidesteps the issue of jealousy, since there would be choice, but it still leaves the other questions.

    Maybe tail accessories would be made in multiple sizes and shapes, just like clothes for people are, though if tails and species are custom that could make it even more difficult, and there are so many real animals regardless. I guess in such a technologically advanced world accessories would all be custom made and arbitrary designs could be applied to them.

    Something I haven’t seen too many people think about is the health implications of having a tail. Walking on two legs while having a tail would probably cause tail injuries to be common from falls etc., and how do you account for it in infrastructure so it’s safe for all kinds of them? It’s similar to how things in our world aren’t always designed for left-handed users, women or different body types, like cars for example. How would you keep lots of different species with slightly different anatomies, including tails, safe?

    Furgonomics aside, I love tails and ears as a form of emotional expression, maybe in part because I’m autistic and would find it easier to express myself this way without the baggage that human body language brings!