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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • My major problems with this design trend, in my own (biased) experience:

    • Center console entertainment UI is usually the slowest thing ever made, making it an even bigger distraction than needed. I could develop muscle memory for blindly pushing the right virtual buttons, but the slowness makes this impossible. It’s usually wildly under-specced, but what’s stranger is that there’s never an upgrade option you can buy from the manufacturer.

    • Can’t use the panel blindly, creating a big honkin’ distraction within reach of the driver. Speed (see above), iffy capacitive touch with no haptic feedback, as well as multiplexing the UI through deep menus, are the chief culprits here. If there were standard controls that were always on screen in the same place, with a suitably responsive UI, this wouldn’t be as big a problem.

    • For systems that are fully-integrated, it’s all or nothing. If the panel/CPU dies, you lose your stereo, navigation, and climate controls all at the same time. My car, fortunately, has the A/C physical controls. This creates a distinct point of failure which is nice - I’m pretty sure I will still have A/C if the panel craps out.

    • It’s dirt cheap to manufacture and I think we all know it. We’re already paying historically high prices for cars, and cheaping-out on the bits we touch the most is just an extra kick to the junk at this point. To the manufacturers: we have remarkably better experiences on our freaking phones every day, so nobody but your grandma is impressed with the weak-sauce, crippled, bogus UX you bolt into your expensive vehicles. You’re not making cars cooler, you’re just making car ownership worse. Do better.

  • Is there a reason people hate him? […] isn’t he mostly known for giving away money and helping people out?

    I may know why. The recently leaked PDF about how he runs his production company makes it patently clear: they aim to make successful YouTube videos, full stop.

    Everything else is a side-effect. Not to suggest that they lack any ethics, but rather things like charity are there to get you to click and watch, nothing more. With enough exposure it’s easy to get the impression that something is “off” with being click-bated like that. I’m not saying that behavior is deserving of hate, but it may help explain why people don’t like his media.

    Also, for people that are trying to make content in a much more honest fashion, Mr. Beast’s popularity can be disheartening and frustrating. YouTube has clearly decided to reward this eyeball-grabbing behavior without any regards to the quality of the content. It’s stuff made for the algorithm, rather than people showcasing their craft, skill, or interests. I’m guessing that people see their favorite makers and entertainers struggle to make a go of it by doing what they love, and see this guy come along and reap millions in revenue without any emotional connection to the output. To me, that’s a recipe for anger.

    Personally, I refuse to view popular click-bait stuff to begin with, and routinely filter such content out (click “not interested”). As a result, my YT recommendations never contain Mr. Beast content and I actually had to fire up a privacy window and click on this nonsense so I knew what the hell everyone was talking about.

  • Thirdly, fuck y’all are bad at poly, like worse at poly than the people constantly talking about poly.

    You are not kidding. I nearly forgot about this story and the absolutely gross and unethical sexual practice at work here. From the article linked earlier:

    “None of this non-hierarchical bullshit,” the account elaborated. “Everyone should have a ranking of their partners, people should know where they fall on the ranking, and there should be vicious power struggles for the ranks.”

    For those following along: if you browse the existing literature on poly practice, this uncompassionate practice doesn’t show up anywhere. These animals were using the “poly” term as a fig-leaf for their Lord of the Flies inspired, libertine, thunderdome-style non-monogamy. I’d even hesitate to call it a cult, only because it just seems so incredibly unstable as a concept. These are the people your polycule will warn you about.

    No wonder these people fleeced others for billions. There’s having a skewed moral compass, and then there’s having a huge vacuum where a conscience and empathy should be.

  • I agree with all of this.

    $0.02: bigots need rigidly defined in/out groups to feel strong and safe, and their awful behavior is self-reinforcing through fear of their peers. More succinctly: everyone in that club knows how they treat “others”, and so fear being one themselves. This also explains why social progress meets so much backlash, as bigots are clinging to their rules like a kind of psychological life-preserver.

  • Ideally yes. This is me and Mrs. Warp Core and I wouldn’t change it for the world.


    Well, let me put it this way. Ever have a best friend that, after spending a lot of time around, you find out that you actually can’t stand more than a few hours at time? That is absolutely a possibility here. Only now their stuff is in your house (or vice-versa), and/or they’re on the same lease.

    $0.02: It may not always be advisable, but absolutely benchmark the practical aspects of your romance long before tying the knot. Long-term co-habitation is not the only route here. Consider other ways to rack up large blocks of time: getaway vacations, long weekends, or even just “play house” for a few days at a time. You’d be amazed at what horrible, terrible, filthy, obnoxious habits your partner has when “at home.” The reality is that everyone is a bit (more) of a mess in private, and the only real question you have to answer is: “what am I willing to put up with?”