• 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2022


  • Questions, I have many!

    • Have you considered building it as a Lemmy client rather than a standalone forum?

    See: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/client_development/custom_frontend.html

    In terms of what would be different, UX could focus on eg, surfacing longer comments first, presenting each comment as a thread within a category (which would be a post on Lemmy rather than a community). It could even be a “sticky” forum UX pointed at a single post or set of posts, for instance. That might promote the kind of long running discussions you’re looking for.

    • What features will differentiate it from eg, Discourse? Or other existing forum software?

    • Do you have any plans for helping people make and plan groups?

    Longer discussions are, I’d posit, more a result of culture than interface. The cultural enablers here would be things like groups with meetings that offer interaction centred around ML topics. It seems reasonable to assume that better tools for this might help with that change.

    Just thoughts - it is awesome that you’re motivated enough to do this!

  • The Culture series by Iain M Banks. Post-scarcity, fully automated luxury communism type thing. Confronts the reader with various dilemmas about autonomy, utilitarianism and what to do when faced with external threats. I’d recommend starting with State of The Art, which is a short story where the Culture visit earth in the 1970s and try to decide whether or not to make contact.

    There’s also the Fall Revolution series by Ken McLeod. It is four books from pre-revolution but post-reconstruction after a century of civil war and plague. The first two books deal with a communist microstate type thing, the third is set on a communist earth after people chose global communism in a vote and deals with the fallout of a runaway singularity. The fourth is an expedition by the communists of the third book to an Elon Musk style ancap colony on another planet. They’re all great, if a bit hefty.

  • I’ve only read his articles in the London Review of Books and the New Left Review. In the latter he reviews people like Gramsci and those that follow after him, but it is paywalled. He has also reviewed books like Luk van de Midelaar’s Passage to Europe, generally with an identifiably marxist perspective. He’s very influential on the british left and was one of the old CPGB group of historians, alongside people like Eric Hobsbawm and E. P. Thompson.

    I’m offline this weekend but could find and share some articles when I’m back if you’re interested.