• 692 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • Meta Discussion

    Ignore below, this show will be handled just like any other. There was a brief period where I thought the global release was delayed for up to a week. Carry on!

    You might be wondering why this post exists when you can’t find it available to stream anywhere yet. Well, it goes live on certain streaming services (in Japan only I believe) a week prior to being released globally. In past seasons, what this means is that posts created by the bot on the streaming release timeline are likely to lay fallow for several days (until fansubs go live) prior to anybody in this community being able to watch and comment.

    So, going forward, I am going to mark this show as disabled in the bot’s database. This means that posts will not be automatically created. Instead, the posts can be requested by users by private messaging the bot. This is what was done last season for the early episodes of Nokotan until the episode discussion threads were taken over by !nokotan@ani.social.

    If you have any questions or issues, feel free to reach out to me or make a reply to this comment. Thanks for bearing with the limitations of the api the bot uses when it comes to edge cases like this!

  • This show has been an incredible mess of a situation from beginning to end. So, I guess it is no surprise that the finale has not resolved anything whatsoever. It is fitting that they are all just wallowing in an indecisive smoothie of misery that is entirely self-made. It is exactly like Naori said:

    Honestly, I kind of want nobody to “win” and for them all to just grow up and find other romantic interests in their lives. I mean the professor or this chess senpai both seem to be able to hang with Naori’s quick wit, so why not give it a shot? As things are now, I expect a world of drama and pain in Jun’s future. There will be lots of this going forward (@rikka@ani.social):

    I looked it up and there is more story to go, but I am not sure I can bring myself to continue this one. So, this will forever remain an unresolved pot of love pasta in my brain.

  • This episode might not have had the visual spectacle that other episodes of this season have had, but it delivered on some powerful story beats. The new B Komachi got their new song and are busy shooting their music videos. It was funny to see Akane fussing over Kana and then not being able to just give her a straight compliment (@rikka@ani.social):

    Additionally, we got some Sarina and especially Gorou backstory this episode. For his tragic start to life, and rocky relationship with his grandfather, Gorou ended up accomplishing quite a lot. He went to Tokyo University and became a doctor, no small feat. This is where we also get to see the little keychain thing that Sarina gave to Sensei. In a blink and you miss it change to the ED for the show, there was a small addition to the very end where it shows up again:

    In the episode New scene in the ED

    Finally, I just like in this story how just as Aqua is starting to come to terms with the fact that he believes his revenge arc is over…we see Ruby’s star begin to darken at the end of this episode.

    One more episode to go in this season, but we will have to wait until October 6th for it to release.

  • So, we swapped some team members it seems. We also got to see the sadistic side of Rachel a bit more (@rikka@ani.social) though I am happy to see Dan still alive as I liked him. Not sure how he will contribute going forward though.

    The story this season is just getting more and more convoluted, so I have kind of stopped trying to follow it too closely and am just strapped in for the ride. I am really hoping that we get to see more Rak in the near future. He said he is going to go expose some turtles, so I expect great things from him. If anything happened to Khun, Rak is going to be devastated at the loss of his infinite chocolate bar supply.

  • Finally got the chance to watch this episode and it was fun.

    We got to see how out of shape Jun is. We also got to see Rumi go on a “date” in which both of them realize it isn’t going to work out almost right away. We also got to see Naori flex her chess muscles and get hit on by yet another person. I feel like this chess dude would be a pretty natural addition to the club that Naori is trying to form considering he is reading Heinlein and quoting Goethe.

    I am curious to see Naori’s gambit with Jun play out. I really agree with Mizuma’s criticism of Jun. Just saying to wait for him to think about it properly is simply a way of delaying any kind of decision at all. He is simply verbally running away. Rumi, by saying that is fine with her, is spoiling him. She is allowing him to put off dealing with his feelings and keeping herself and her sister in this unsustainable pseudo-relationship. At least Naori is trying to push Jun into action through her scheming and assertiveness.

    In any case, the three girls at Shiena’s place was my favorite bit of this episode. They had such chaotic energy and I totally just want the three of them to live their best lives together. @rikka@ani.social

  • I just finished up this show and felt like it deserved a final post, so here it is.

    Overall, this show was frustrating. I feel like there is an interesting story here, but the anime was frankly not a great vehicle to tell it. So much of this story is just extremely polite conversations between people running businesses or tinkering with magical tools. The whole show gives off a lot of “this meeting could have been an email” vibes in that there is almost never any drama or tension around the running of the Rosetti company, but we still are witness to every step of the process. Like, if Dahlia is having a meeting with some workshop to figure out production numbers and everybody simply agrees to the proposal made by the trade guild person, why spend so long showing us all the details of that meeting?

    I think that this kind of story would be better in text form because you can read it at your own pace. In anime form, most episodes felt like a slog to get through. Add on top of that the extremely static animation through the whole series and the boredom generator is complete.

    There are things that I wanted to see more of in this show:

    • What’s up with her ex’s new girl? That seemed like a kind of suspicious situation that was literally never brought up again.
    • More romance between Dahlia and Wolf. So far, they are more like best buds or drinking buddies than they are flirting with each other.
    • More depth in the magic system. If the whole conceit of your series is about the creation of magical tools, then commit to it. I would have loved to see some more depth to the magic system or more time where we see Dahlia experimenting and failing before creating a new tool.


  • So, I have a clear favorite of what I have watched this season. The standout show for me was Oshi no Ko Season 2. There is one more episode to go, but it has been an absolutely stellar adaptation of an already good manga. The source manga is still ongoing, but it is heading into its final arc. I cannot wait to see the rest of the story in anime form if the quality was as good as this past season. Anyway, enough gushing, here are the shows I watched:

    • Oshi no Ko - see above
    • Dungeon People - My biggest surprise of the season. It was way better than I thought it was going to be based on what I saw before the season.
    • Dahlia in Bloom - I feel like this story in interesting, but moves a bit too slow to make a good anime adaptation. I haven’t watched the finale yet though. I would probably recommend reading this one if it catches your interest.
    • Love is Indivisible By Twins - A fun guilty pleasure. Lots of teenage drama born from an incredibly elaborate arrangement of people crushing on each other. I really enjoyed this one and look forward to the finale.
    • My Deer Friend Nokotan - Lots of ups and downs. Like many sketch shows, some segments are going to connect and some aren’t. Overall, I still enjoyed it.
    • Sometimes Alya Hides Her Feelings in Russian - I feel like this one is trying to do more than it needs to do. All I wanted was a cute romcom, instead we got a ton of political scheming and mind games. With season 2 announced, I hope we get more romcom going forward.
    • Pseudo Harem - I have a couple episodes to catch up on, but this has been fun. It is a great manga, and the adaptation of the super short chapters to anime form has been done fairly well. Overall, it has been very cute.
    • Quality Assurance in Another World - I am a couple episodes behind on this one, but I intend on finishing this season. I really like the art in this one and the world is interesting enough that I want to keep going.
    • My Wife Has No Emotion - I only watched a couple episodes before dropping. I really like the manga, and I think I will stick with it. The anime adaptation just didn’t really do it for me.
    • Plus-Sized Elf - I watched a couple episodes of this before dropping. They cranked the fan-service dial way past what the manga has. It just wasn’t really for me.
    • Tower of God - This season has been a big change compared to the first, and not for the better. The second cour is still to come, so I will see where it goes from here.