There are no words to describe how much I loathe this man

    • flan [they/them]
      5 months ago

      on one hand shipwreck tells a compelling story that biden and his circle are exceedingly competent political operators playing a 5D chess game to ensure dollar supremacy. On the other hand they constantly do deranged shit like this.

      • mathemachristian [he/him]
        5 months ago

        They’re the pawl to the republicans ratchet. They exist to prevent a shift to the left. They might not get elected this time, but that’s ok, the ratchet will turn and all those ungrateful protestors will come crawling back just to make it stop. Then they get to cement the republicans gains while threatening further harm if not re-elected.

        • flan [they/them]
          5 months ago

          The weakness of the dollar hegemony that Biden himself created has been patched up, with the latest $95 billion spending bill

          I’m not sure I buy this for two reasons. First, I am somewhat unconvinced that the recent dedollarization activity was organized enough to be effective at all, regardless of the actions of the US in response. And second, the amount of money being spent on war is almost a rounding error for the total number of dollars in existence. So I think the dollar hegemony is weak but has not yet been threatened, in other words.

      • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
        5 months ago

        Tbh Biden does have a lot of foreign policy experience, as does his cabinet. So a lot of what’s happening isn’t really all that surprising when the US is in the geopolitical situation it’s in and throwing its weight around more frantically than before.

        What loses me is when things like Argentina going the way it has or Israel instigating Iran is somehow Biden pulling the strings and not just him taking advantage of a situation.

    • mathemachristian [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I believe its to not seem weak on “the china issue” to the local audience. Like “We’re going to try diplomatic means with the chinese (again), because we’re the good guys who don’t want a war, but don’t you worry we see them for what they really are.”

      Then any concessions the US makes to the evil chinese “regime” are reasonable realpolitik necessities because of very complex diplomatic issues with a country thats notoriously tough to reason with and at the same time any concessions the chinese make are not good enough because it didn’t bring that evil “regime” to its knees.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Core of the state is rotten through, their ideology is hollow and meaningless and endlessly self-referential, the president is someone whose brain is mush and would have been dead a decade ago if he wasn’t incredibly rich and powerful, etc. etc. very-smart

  • Pentacat [he/him]
    5 months ago

    That claim by Blinken requires some audacity… It’s crazy to me that people are still tolerating the bullshit. But here we are. There is no limit to what the average American lib will take.

    • huf [he/him]
      5 months ago

      if i were them, i’d have the talks with blinken but ban all translators and insist on conducting the whole thing in mandarin

      • Egon [they/them]
        5 months ago

        Insist you have the talks in one of the United States many concentration camps prisons that just so happen to house a disproportionate amount of minorities in well-documented conditions that have been critiqued by the UN several times, as they are worked to the bone as free labour paid 0.01 $ an hour. Or Guantanamo.

        • huf [he/him]
          5 months ago

          it’d be amazing if china sent a diplomatic mission to the US that did nothing but look at prisons, and complain that they werent allowed to inspect the CIA blacksites…

          • Egon [they/them]
            5 months ago

            The UN kinda did something akin to that in '15 or '16. They sent someone to investigate the quality of life in the US. The guy who was in charge straight up said that “the US is always quick to point the finger at other countries, so we figured it was about time we looked in their backyard”. The report itself is kinda what you’d expect: It concludes that by (almost) all measurements the US should have been classified as a “developing country” and it only didn’t because it was the US. Kinda damning

  • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    China’s response:

    Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 23 (Reporter Zhu Chao) - In response to the U.S. State Department’s recently released “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2023,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition at a regular press briefing on April 23. Wang stated that the report’s sections concerning China were filled with political lies and ideological bias, urging the U.S. to stop criticizing other countries’ human rights situations and cease using human rights and democracy as pretexts to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs and infringe upon their human rights.

    “Year after year, the U.S. concocts so-called ‘human rights reports’ riddled with political lies and ideological bias against China, to which China is strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed,” said Wang Wenbin.

    He remarked that the Chinese people have the most authority to speak on the state of human rights in China. “We have historically resolved the issue of absolute poverty, developed democracy throughout the whole process, and established the world’s largest education, social security, and healthcare systems. The sense of gain, happiness, and security of the Chinese people continues to grow, marking a path of human rights development that suits our national conditions and aligns with the trends of the times. Surveys conducted by Harvard University over more than ten years show that over 90% of Chinese citizens are satisfied with the Chinese government.”

    Wang Wenbin pointed out that, in contrast, the so-called “human rights report” by the U.S. critiques the human rights conditions of nearly 200 countries and regions, yet conspicuously omits its own issues. This once again exposes the selfish nature of American hegemony and its hypocritical double standards. “If the U.S. truly cares about human rights, it should confront and properly address its domestic issues of gun violence, rampant drug issues, racial discrimination, and the trampling of human dignity; it should reflect on its foreign interventions and the human rights disasters caused by supplying arms to conflict regions. The U.S. ignores over 110,000 civilian casualties in Gaza and has vetoed United Nations Security Council efforts to cease fire in Gaza four times consecutively. This is a clear demonstration of the U.S. disregarding and trampling human rights.”

    “America’s facade of caring about human rights while actually pursuing hegemony has long been recognized by the international community,” Wang said. He concluded that the U.S. should introspect, address its own issues first, stop acting as the ‘human rights preacher,’ cease criticizing other countries’ human rights conditions, and stop using human rights and democracy as covers to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs and violate their human rights, thereby exporting conflict and turmoil.

    [Machine translation, not great but you get the gist]

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      “This is deeply offensive, you’re wrong and you suck.” xigma-male

      “Anyway can I book a new hotel? Can I confirm another Yellen visit for June as well while we’re at it? I hope you can you’ll enjoy your stay we have a lot of important business deals to talk about!” so-true

      Clown party, talking about the UN and Gaza as if this is a gotcha. The audacity to peddle this shit 6 months into said genocide when China still hasn’t even put a single sanction on Israel nor given unilateral support for Iran or anything else that matters in the real world. This is the same UN that was pro-Ukraine and against your great friend Russia lol.

      This is the clown party that mourned Kissinger, just says US bad without actually standing up for anything except transactional relationships. Denounce US/Israel genocide in Gaza while hoping for normal relationship with said genocidal country.1

      The Chinese people will always remember Kissinger’s historic contribution to the normalization of China-US relations, Wang said.

      “Time has proved, and will continue to prove, that the political resolution that Doctor Kissinger and Chinese leaders made back in those days is in line with the fundamental interests of people in both countries, the trend of the times and the expectation of the international community,” he said. Wang praised Kissinger, who passed away on Nov 29 at the age of 100, for his foresight as a diplomat, strategist and statesman. Kissinger had always viewed China’s development in an objective and friendly manner, Wang said.

      Kissinger was convinced that China and the US should and must coexist in peace, Wang said, adding that the former US secretary of state was good at finding common ground and cooperation opportunities from differences between the two countries.

      Don’t get me wrong, the CPC is extremely correct on every internal issue, but their recent FP is an big pile of shit, embarrassing shit, you would be hard pressed to tell this is the “communist party” if you didn’t know better.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    The frustrating part is how this works not just on westerns, but non-westerners too. Wasn’t that South African advocating for Palestine also throwing in China for Xinjiang?

    It’s even more frustrating when people see what’s happening in Gaza and deny it’s genocide while claiming what’s going on in Xinjiang is.

      5 months ago

      South Africa is weird, you have extremes on both ends. You have people spouting the most insane pro capitalist, pro western and pro israel talking points. These are usually the wealthier people living somewhat comfortably. But you also have a lot of people who deeply understand the need to resist western hegemony and neo liberalism.

      The problem is also the desperate conditions that the majority live in. You’re so utterly exhausted, mentally and physically, at the end of the day that you don’t have energy to think about other things.