“We know you have a choice in places to obtain a heatstroke today…”
Don’t planes have air conditioning?
@Cold_Brew_Enema when the turbine are on, yes.
But if they aren’t, the plane is only working on a battery and then, which is likely the case when the plane is just sitting idle on the tarmac. Then nope.
You just get to enjoy the airflow from a tiny fan while sitting in a metal can under the sun close to hundred of other peopleThanks for clarification. I haven’t flown in 15 years or so.
If it’s at the gate it should be getting ground based aircondition. If it’s sitting away from the gate with the engines off the APU should be on and providing aircondition and electrical power especially since you’ll be starting the engines at some point and the APU is going to be needed for that anyway.
I don’t understand what the issue was.
Edit: and if for some reason none of this was a available, declare an emergency before it gets to this point and either get a bus and air stairs to come get everyone or drive the plane to the nearest gate.
I had a three hour delay at the gate a few weeks ago and didn’t have air conditioning either. It was pretty close to this situation but it was luckily only 93 and not in the 100’s.
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Flying right now seems like an absolute shit show. Sure you may get to your destination but not always on time.
Lol the last time I flew was a shit show. Here’s a recap.
As the flight attendant is giving us the safety instructions and about to lock the door, a lady opens the airplane door even though the path should have been closed down. The attendant was pissed since they all had to restart the pre flight stuff from the beginning.
When they finished it all a second time we got told that a part of the plane was broken and they were working on it. An hour later they said they were opening the door and letting us walk around the airport to get food or go to the bathroom for the next 25 minutes.
When they all came back the the attendance started the pre-flight stuff again. When he finish everything a person came up and said hey I’m on the wrong flight and the flight attendant just looked so shocked and confused since he had never had that happen before. They let the guy off as the attendant looked like he was about to give up.
The attendant had to restart the pre-flight stuff AGAIN. Luckily the plane was working now after two hours waiting on the runway and the flight began.
My facebook “memories” over the last month have been filled with images of me and my family stranded at various airports due to flight delays and cancellations. Flying in the summer is fraught with complications, and has been for as long as I’ve lived.
I despise how airlines bring people onto the plane, and then just sit on the runway for hours. Even in conditions where no one is dying.
Agreed. It’s completely stupid. I’d much rather stay waiting at the gate lounge over sitting on the plane in a queue. I don’t care if it’s “less efficient,” the lounge is at least more comfortable than the stifling conditions of economy class on modern planes.
As a side note, there were babies on that plane in those temperatures for that long!? You literally go to jail for leaving babies in a car in the summer because at those temps for too long will legit kill babies. No wonder all of the babies were screaming on that plane.
I think the problem is about slot management and the way they work.
In ATC, at least in Europe but FAA is probably more or less the same, your flight can get delayed for whatever reason (meteo, atc capacity, airport etc…).
In case of a delay you get a SAM, slot allocation message with a new EOBT (estimated off block time). You can shorten this waiting time by various means, you will get an SRM (slot revision) and in order to be certain that you won’t miss this slot (or get a new worst one) you have to send a ready message.
Ready means door closed, ready for pushback. And that’s the problem here, that’s how you get stuck in an airplane on the ground, cause you’re « ready ».
That sucks, but a crew will generally not board a plane if they have a huge non negociable slot. But if they think the slot could improve so they can stick to their schedule, you’ll probably end up waiting in a shitty overcrowded cabin.
And sometimes it’s the airport doing shit like pre boarding a plane so they can pack passengers for another flight at the gate.
Wow, the more I write about how the industry work, the more I hate it. Time to change career.
As a side note, there were babies on that plane in those temperatures for that long!?
That was my thought too, that’s deadly for babies and children. I’m astounded.
I wonder if it ever crossed that Fox producers mind in those moments, that this was also her fault with helping run a network with the mission of denying and increasing climate change
I can confidently say they don’t care.
People fainting and being carted off on stretchers
Delta: SoRrY fOr ThE uNcOmFoRtAbLe TeMpErAtUrEs