There just doesn’t seem to be a limit to the amount of hype I’m willing to soak up in anticipation of this crossover.
Nothing close to too much as yet.
Said it better than I ever could
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What a looney response. This season is fantastic. I think we are watching completely different shows if that’s your take.
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I said nothing about politics. My stance isn’t changing. This season is just as good as the first. This is classic Trek.
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I am so excited for this. My two favorite current ST series coming together for what I am sure is some fantastic fan service.
@ValueSubtracted I know it’s a minor point and there’s not a lot to be done about it but Boimler is one of the shortest main Trek characters and Jack Quaid just towers over everyone else on the Enterprise.
He got stretched by the transporter accident.
The food synthesizers of the 23rd century are simply no match for the 24th century replicators for providing Federation citizens a nutritious diet. That’ll explain why Boimler is so tall compared to 23rd century people.
I find this explanation plausible and funny.
tfw when you’re a 6"5’ Chad and are still considered a pocket prince in the 24th century
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While I’m personally not really interested in a animated comedy Star Trek, I do understand why people like the show.
That being said, I’m really not excited for this crossover at all. I think Lower Deck’s style, particularly in its dialogue, will just bring out the worst in Strange New Worlds. I expect it’ll fall to whether you do or don’t like Lower Decks whether you’ll like that episode.
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Lower Decks is very successful in fulfilling its role in attracting and retaining a new audience for the franchise.
Animated comedies are huge with the teen and younger adult demographics. Netflix is picking up and retaining a large youth audience with its array of original animated comedies. Lower Decks was Paramount+‘s only original offering that broke into this market in 2022z
Paramount appears to know exactly what it’s doing strategically with this crossover. There’s a significant demographic for whom Lower Decks is their ‘first contact’ with Star Trek. Many are branching out to the live action series but not all, and SNW is the live-action show they’re likely to try first.
Now, why Paramount went with such a strategically daft decision to write off Prodigy rather than work on a pathway between offerings is an open question.
My best bet is that it was the need to write the show off on the Nickelodeon side that’s driving the decision to write Prodigy off. Nickelodeon was supposed to be the original home of Prodigy, not Paramount+, but Nickelodeon’s free fall in linear children’s audience made that untenable. What I don’t get is why Paramount, isn’t fighting to hold onto its market share through its streamer.
I didn’t really want to post this, because I think it’s unnecessarily negative and people here seem to enjoy it.
But now that the cat’s out of the bag… I hate this type of humour so much. I feel like too much of it has already spilled into SNW, it makes it a difficult watch at times. The episode before last, for example.
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Fair enough. Could still start watching and then stop if you really do not like it.
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Do we know which EPisode in the run it is yet. Seems all articles keep only.talking about the crossover and never the episode of the week and seems a bit tiring by now actually.
The wait is over - it’s next week.
4k versions of the episode are on usenet already. It dropped earlier this evening.