I love that this guy has kept this going through the years. Hosted on blogspot of all places too.
How can DS9 be happening at the same time as ENT when supposedly both Worf and O’Brien have finished their tours on Enterprise?
Because O’Brien leaves the Enterprise before the end of TNG and Worf doesn’t show up in DS9 until season 4, after TNG has ended.
Ah, good points. It took me a while to get through DS9 so I’d forgotten those story beats.
The most interesting part of this is when TNG/DS9 and DS9/VOY start overlapping, and seeing exactly where things line up. For example, following being tortured by Cardassians in Chain of Command, Picard then visits DS9 and gets yelled at by Sisko for killing his wife. You can also see where the Maquis or Dominion plotlines are during Voyager’s runtime.