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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/ISayBullish on 2024-07-03 14:59:48+00:00.

  1. GameStop is a profitable company
  2. GameStop has around $4,000,000,000 cash on hand
  3. GameStop’s long-term debt remains limited to one low-interest, unsecured term loan associated with the French government’s response to COVID-19
  4. GameStop is a part of the biggest entertainment industry (gaming) which is the most resilient industry, equating to virtually unlimited growth potential
  5. The CEO & Chairman of GameStop, Ryan Cohen, takes no salary and buys GameStop shares with his own money
  6. There are over 190,000 record holders who hold their GameStop shares in their names with GameStops transfer agent, Computershare
  7. GameStop Pro Memberships now offers 5% off all digital games and currencies online
  8. CandyCon, a GameStop brand, now offers customizable and cutting edge technology controllers (currently for PC & Switch with other consoles in the works)
  9. GameStop has partnered with ModRetro, which will be an exclusive retail partner that will offer the ModRetro x Koss Porta Pro headphones and The Chromatic handheld game console
  10. GameStop now offers to buy & sell graded collectible cards
  11. Financial institutions who bet against GameStop such as Melvin Capital and Credit Suisse no longer exist
  12. MSM organizations, who get funding from financial institutions, told their viewers to forget GameStop and that GameStop could be the safest short play in the market right now
  13. I didn’t hear no bell
