They barely produce anything worth watching anyway. Maybe we need a few years break from Hollywood movies to enjoy what other countries are making.
Get that production down 100%
Open up catalogs to all streaming platforms like the music industry and maybe there’s a chance. I’m not subscribing to a dozen
channelsstreaming services to see everything.That would kill the streaming market. We’d end up with just two monopolies, again, like with Apple Music and Spotify, because you can only put so many spins on “hey play the thing”
You mean Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal, etc? Production companies owning streaming companies should be as illegal as production companies owning theaters.
Production companies should be allowed to own theaters.
I disagree, but my understanding is that the Paramount decree ended in 2020, so I guess yay for vertical integration. Allowing this ownership and no restriction makes the situation worse. If I want to watch show/movie X, there’s only ONE platform I can watch it on. Compare that to music and there’s more of a choice.