esketamine, they took an enantiomer of a cheap drug, ketamine, put it into a nasal spray, and charge 1000 dollars a dose because they patented it.
And somehow they consider themselves better than the local drug dealer.
Not only that, eseketamine is less effective against depression than racemic ketamine and arketamine.
I did injections. 6*$400/each = $2400
I did it at the behest of my SO and went into it with precisely zero expectations of it working – too many years of trying every available legal/illegal, scientific/unscientific option available, all to no avail.
The half-life is like 20 minutes, so at about 30 minutes they come and hit you with a second dose. That hour is truly fantastic. But it didn’t seem to alleviate my lifelong depression, and I had even told people it wasn’t worth it. But about two months after the last dose I realized I was feeling better. A couple of years on, I have continued to feel better and better over time. I mean, the world is going to shit, and although I’m aware of it, it’s more in the periphery rather than front and center. I actually feel pretty great for the first time in a decade.
There’s no doubt the pharmaceutical companies are ripping everyone off, as they are wont to do. But if it works and you are privileged enough to have the means, it can be a life-changing solution to a life-ruining condition.
That said, I have no idea how effective the nasal spray would be or how it might differ.
I’ve been doing esketamine for around five months now and its helped my depression dramatically where transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy, and a host of antidepressant pills could not. There may be a bunch of problems with the bureaucracy surrounding esketamine treatment, but it’s a huge help for some folks. My PHQ9 score dropped from 23 to around 14.
Depressed? Snort some ketamine!
That’ll be $10000 please.Coming soon: mouth inhaler for depression:
I mean, medical marijuana vaporizers are a thing, although I think only the S&B Mighty Medic has the proper certification for inhalation of cannabinoids
Getting straight up ketamine is cheaper but insurance won’t cover it.
This isn’t always true. Insurance is starting to cover ketamine treatment now, just depends on your insurer.
unfortunately you can’t just get this from the pharmacy and take it home… it’s a whole thing. you have to go somewhere and have them measure it out for you and they make you take it in front of them. just go to the dark web and save your time and money.
After reading it, yea, I’ll just workout. PF may not be the best, but it ain’t a rip off.