Full discussion here
A bit of a non-standard post as I don’t think you can actually play them for free yet (I can’t see any binaries available and there’s a disclaimer that you need to already own the games, presumably for assets/art), but a pleasant surprise and hopefully something to keep an eye on!
This is a step in a good direction. Retired IP should either be released for free or open sourced altogether
To make things extra confusing I think this is explicitly the code for the games but not the IP. As in the assets, art, etc. are not free, and you can’t just make your own game and call it Command & Conquer.
I don’t think you can actually play them for free yet
Actually, you can play for free C&C, Red Alert and, iirc, Tiberian Sun. EA released them all for free some years ago so you can find their ISOS anywhere legally