Avoid the National Post, Ottawa Sun, Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, Toronto Sun, Edmonton Journal, The Vancouver Sun, The Gazette, and The Province.
Celebrate and protect the CBC! They are biased, but all media is biased no matter how much it tries not to be, and the worst ones try to hide it. The CBC does not hide its bias but does not generally let it obscure the actual facts, and if you think it does don’t even bother trying to argue with me you can just fuck right off and go watch your “truthful fox news” which certainly won’t obscure any facts for you.
It is your job as an informed citizen and consumer of media to think critically about the inherent bias of every source and adjust your interpretation accordingly, not to ignore valid sources entirely.
I’m hesitant to pimp Ground News here even though I already sound like an advertisement for them, but I do have to point out they are also Canadian, so if you want a broader perspective maybe they can help with that. Full disclosure: I do personally have a Ground News subscription, and it has changed the way I approach news sources, but I honestly don’t think anyone needs it as long as you are willing to think critically about the media you consume. The bias is usually obvious right from the front page. You don’t have to be a genius to put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out what narrative a given news source is trying to promote.
How does one watch/support the CBC from outside the country, one wonders.
The billionaire purchased media will radicalize a small racist and stupid portion of your population. That portion will grow like a cancer. Then the billionaires will pick some reality tv star or other bad actor to step up and take the reins of this hate group. Fight it now or lose your country like US citizens have.
I’ll drop this here. Chretien’s daughter married the son of the guy who owned most of Canada’s papers. So for those 12 year he received very g favourable press. Then after the liberal party tanked, some of the assets were sold off.
Canada needs to adopt laws forcing them to display, on on all their pages, a big “submissive to USA” banner.
(… and more broadly, for every product, a “x% tainted by USA’s components” label)Or better yet, nationalize those papers. America shouldn’t be controlling Canadian news.
As an American I support this message.
Or better yet, nationalize those papers.
Holy fuck that’s a scary proposal.
To anyone in the Maritimes: the Saltwire and Chronically Terrible are both American owned too.
Behold the Winnipeg Free Press, one of the last bastions… find your locally owned news and support them.
If you use an extension like “ublacklist” or a userscript like “Google hit hider”, you can add the URL of those companies, and they will not show up in your browser search.
I’ve also started using Startpage.com for search (European) and set the region to Canada so it only shows me pages that are Canadian, and it works better than other region settings I’ve used in other search engines. Not perfect, but quite good. I wish it had the option to show all regions except American sites, but I’m sure that’s possible with an extension or something.
Many of the comments on those news sites are also written by Russian military personnel
I’m pretty sure over half the comments on the entire internet are just Russian bots.