Jesus, us NFL fans are pathetic bc that game was gross. No wonder the NFL feels safe with all the NFL is rigged talk and horrible ref talk. They prolly think we will just keep sucking their product down and ask politely for more
It was actually a close game. NeWS FlAsH!! Not rocket science people
I do enjoy Amazon’s production/postgame crew
sickos leaking over from r/cfb
Remember back in August when everyone was excited for the hall of fame game?
What if the plan for Thursday night all along was just the NFL doing a heat check. “We’ll take the worst game of the weak and make it a primetime game and you fuckers will eat it up”
And theyre right. I will still watch
Sicko hate-watch of the season for sure
Glad i didn’t watch a single minute of it
Bagents a draw boys
We have to watch the bad games or Bezos will whine until the NFL puts the good matchups on Thursday night.
Clearly this means more prime time games for the bears!
There are a lot less football games per week then baseball and basketball, hardcore fans are more likely to tune into every primetime one
40% is just an extra 4 people from their normal 10.
Still, good for them.
People practicing for the first good TNF matchup of the season* next week.
*On paper.
It’s like watching a train wreck, one can’t just look away…