I keep hearing about this, then losing the link, then finding it again, then losing the link, so I figured I’d put it here for me AND for you guys.

Basically, chinese diesel heater is “the” preferred way to heat a van or vehicle you’re living in long-term. It’s a dry heat unlike propane, so it doesn’t give you additional moisture to worry about.

But a lot of the chinese diesel heaters aren’t all this sophisticated. So this dude in Australia makes an addon controller with some extra features. He seems to be a one-man shop, and seems to be one of the few (or only?) guys doing this, so the site isn’t all that fancy.

This controller NOT compatible with every chinese diesel heater out there–he has a page where you can make some educated guesses whether it will work with yours.

  • Mr_Smiley@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I was looking at this the other day. It would appear that the heater I have is not compatible which is frustrating. Hopefully more controllers / variants can be added.

    My heater is currently being used to heat my conservatory as the van conversion is still on-going!