I think this is one of the best songs south park has made
It’d pretty good, but I don’t think it’s up there with the likes of Circle of Poo, Minorities in my Waterpark, or Boogers and Cum
♫ There was a boy I used to know, With dreams as big as the fire in his heart. ♫
All you tegrity farms haters, ain’t got no damn tegrity.
no *tegrity* whatsoever
no *tegrity* whatsoever
All Randy’s kick ass however Tegridy Randy fucking reigns supreme over all the others. Plus he triggers all you sensitive fucks which is great….
Who has been flanderized more than Randy?
Ned Flanders
Sharon, sh, sh sharon
Love the troll they did with this. Tegridy randy 4ever
Did they end the tegrity farms era?
The most recent Paramount+ special kind of alludes to Randy being a geologist again. He’s outside the Homedepot offering to trade Geologist services for handyman services and never mentions Tegridy.
He’s still with Tegridy, but he goes out with his Geologist clothes every now and then. If anything, I’m waiting for Randy to sell the farm and Tegridy and purchase Casa Bonita, which would bring the show’s focus on the setting of Matt and Trey’s new restaurant.
I liked it before it became The Randy Show.
Not sure how I feel now about farmer Randy 🤔
I wish he could go back to being Geologist Randy. Tegridy has already overstayed its welcome
Hey sorry about the whole weed thing
Ya ya ya. He is Lorde.
Hey sorry about the whole weed thing
I’m not 100% on how canon the Paramount+ specials are, but the most recent one definitely has Geologist Randy back.
Sorry about the whole “weed” thing
I was a bit confused on pandeverse special. He would do just fine with selling weed but I guess it’s all just decorations now lol
Given South Park’s canon, they’re more canonical than the classic episodes. Basically the canon is just whatever episodes get directly mentioned or retconned by later episodes along with anything related to the serialization era.
Fr like tokens (tolkien’s) name, the chitty chicken Chinese guy (who’s actually a batshit white phycologist), stans dog ( I have no idea what happened to him, but I might be forgetting an episode where they explain it) and Kenny superpower ( and how everyone forgets) just to name a few
Make love to me, RANDY, please
I was thinking the exact same thing lol
See ya!
See ya!
Sharon get off Reddit
He deserves to be killed off.