Some of my favorite subs have started going private already. I moved RiF out of the tray and replaced it with Jerboa.
I started my aggregated news with slashdot and fark. Moved to Digg after Kevin Rose announced it on TTV. went to Reddit at digg v2 because Reddit looked like diggv1. Went to rif when mobile usage passed my computer usage, now I’m here!
What’s your story?
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I haven’t gone to Reddit for a few days now. I might go later to watch it all for entertainment.
If you do, use teddit or something instead of actual reddit
Oh I didn’t know about Jerboa. Loving it so far!
much the same - visiting various news & sci/tech sites manually, then link aggregators digg/reddit. infinity was my favorite 3rd party app - now using jerboa for mobile use of lemmy. jerboa has some issues and there needs to be more mobile apps but that issue will resolve itself in time
I have Reddark open on my laptop while doing chores. Listening to it ding every few minutes is cathartic.
I migrated from Digg to reddit like 12 years ago. Now migrated to Lemmy and I’m on Tildes too, but I am definitely leaning toward Lemmy so far. I’m using the mobile site for Lemmy, but was wondering if there’s a good app for iOS. I loved Apollo and am so sad that it’s going down, although I totally understand why Christian is nuking it. Is Jerboa only for Android? Is there a decent app available for Lemmy on iOS?
Mlem is the iOS app but it’s currently in TestFlight
I think it’s Android only. Sorry my dude
Mlem is the Jerboa equivalent for iOS, though i don’t have any personal experience with it.
Info found on the official Lemmy site:
Strange, the Reddark site shows me a 404 error now, it worked previously.
Edit: nevermind it works again.
They got the hug of death. But they switched the domain to twitch and are live streaming the site locally.
That’s one way to scale, hahaha.
Yeah I was just thinking about that, how ironic, the dying Reddit hug of death.
I think that’s genius lol.
I’m surprised r/libertarian is joining…
Almost the same path for me, except I never bothered with Digg. Just went directly from Fark & /. to Reddit
Now I’m hoping some of the active contributors to my loca subreddit show up here.
Half the battle was finding something to put in the tray besides Reddit. Jerboa it is!
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Search for cats in the community search! There’s cats! In fact…CAT TAX!
Anything been taken over by the admins and turned back on yet?
Not that I can see, yet.
Well, about 6.5 years ago I found r/Grimdank and r/40klore…and r/Rabbits. I immediately fell in love with those communities.
I first started on the browser and the official App. But the App sucked (shocker I know) and I switched to RIF. Wonderful App.
Half a year ago I switched to Apple for the first time and found Apollo. Fantastic App.
I can’t give less of a shit about Reddit itself. But I hope the communities I grew to love will do fine or maybe even come here too.
Is this even accurate? I can still view these sites and there are current posts being added
I joined Reddit in 2015 after some Destiny creators mentioned it somewhere as an alternative to the Bungie forums. Been a daily user ever since. I joined in Windows Phone, which only had third party apps, so I’ve literally never used the official app. When I switched to Android in 2017 I believe it was, I downloaded Sync because it was most similar to the app I used before (I can’t remember what app it was on Windows).
And now I’m here.