Why did they put the word Christian in quotes as if the guy was not doing the sort of thing Christians have done for 2000 years, except not as horrific?
To mock them
Does this mean he supports religious vandalism so long as the vandalizing party strongly disagrees with the other?
Because in my book, That is what antisemitism is.
I may not agree with satanist, but I uphold the same religious freedoms I practice and give it to them. Otherwise this democracy doesn’t work.
If republican’s don’t like the display, why don’t they just ban all forms of religion symbolism from government buildings?
But nope, it’s just another case of them wanting to bake their cake, and eat it too.
I may not agree with satanist
You may not, but also, maybe you do! Cuz the rest of your comment seems to fall in line with their values of empathy and compassion, and they don’t worship or even believe in satan to begin with. They’re a secular organization that tries to promote various freedoms for everyone.
Does this mean he supports religious vandalism so long as the vandalizing party strongly disagrees with the other?
He supports religious vandalism as long as the vandal is christian the the ones getting vandalised isn’t.
Sounds like you actually align pretty much perfectly with The Satanic Temple. Though you might wanna read up on it just a little before you state that you don’t agree with them.
Alternative headline: DeSantis supports, offers to fund, vigilanteism
What’s kind of amusing is that everyone has internalized the lesson from Donald Trump where, when you’re confronted with a massive failure in PR or policy, you double down. What they fail to internalize is that there’s a small handful of people that approach works for. Trump is one. Musk is one, but reality might be catching up with him.
Ron, who started with 35% support and is now down 2/3 to about 12% is locked in a losing battle for a very distant second place. Everything he’s done has been wrong. I am struggling to remember a worse mainstream political campaign. I’m cutting out the obvious also-rans because they lacked the funding, coverage, or initial support and were running from the beginning mostly as a grift.
Can anyone think of someone worse who wasn’t fringe?
I’m super glad der Führer de Florida flopped
Is anybody surprised by this? I keep as far away from politics as I can and even I know he would fully support this.
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Gab is owned by a hardcore religious fanatic so you should expect that kind of bullshit from them. Still, it is the one place where I can bash anyone and not get banned by some libtard so I’ve been hanging out there a bunch. Just mute the flat-earthers and bible thumpers and it’s not bad.
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