Here’s the “official game trailer” for Star Trek: Infinite, the new strategy game that was announced a couple days ago. Looks like it comes out on PC this fall.
I was about to say this looks really good and very similar to paradox games. Then realized paradox is related to the game. Makes sense 😂
I’ll buy it even though I am horrible at these games 😂
I appreciate the apparent Birth of the Federation aspect as briefly seen in the trailer. I loved BotF and I’ve missed it terribly. However, I am still irrationally annoyed by the note that this game takes place “decades” before TNG, yet Galaxy-class, Intrepid-class, and other newer vessels are featured. (This would have been the best opportunity to feature ships from the “lost era” between the Kirk feature films and TNG, such as Ambassador-class, Constellation-class, and any number of ships seen as wreckage at Wolf 359.)
I wonder if you start with the older ships and then as tech progresses, upgrade to newer classes? It looks heavily based on Stellaris (mixed feelings about that) so it might follow that trajectory.
If that’s the case, I’m on board with that. (BotF did the same thing.)
Yeah I loved BotF. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. I’ll probably still buy it because I’m a sucker for Star Trek and 4X games.
As others said, maybe that’s just the starting point. Botf didn’t get Galaxy class until I think tech levels 3/4, and Defiant class was near the very end.
I had to disable my ad blocker so I could watch a paper towel ad before watching a game ad…
What a time to be alive eh?
Seeing a Hearts of Iron-style focus tree in Star Trek was a severe moment of dissonance for me. That said, I hope they do this one right!
Doesn’t look that great. Wish there was a “Jedi: Fallen Order”-type approach they could take with Star Trek to get the masses involved in the lore.
Okay, so as someone who is has been playing Stellaris for years now… the user interface and what we’ve seen of gameplay looks very familiar. This looks to be a mix between BOTF and Stellaris. I like!
Well, this does look like a bigger Stellaris DLC, even the UI is almost the same. The mission system seems to be new, so that might be interesting
Guess one more for the maybe-buy-in-steam-sale-when-its-cheap-enough list lol
If you’re a Stellaris player, you would probably be interested in the huge Star Trek New Horizons Mod, which basically integrates all of Star Trek into Stellaris. It’s a complete gameplay redesign. There are a few rough edges, of course, but the mod is pretty comprehensive. They even have a gameplay mode that matches BOTF.