The first alpha was just released and is only available on Github at the moment. The dev has been active in contributing to Geometric Weather after the main developer of it disappeared. It looks like he decided to just fork it and make his own thing!
This looks great and hopefully widgets will be added.
Widget are there
I found them. I was just to stupid and didn’t saw them 😁
Oh thanks for sharing. I still use Geometric Weather but I did notice that it’s abandoned.
Would be great to have this on Fdroid though, seems like it might happen
You can use Obtainium to get updates straight from github for apps that aren’t on f-droid yet.
I didn’t even know Geometric Weather wasn’t maintained any more. Thanks for this.
This looks really nice. Was using Prognoza for a while, but ended up back with the BBC Weather app here in the UK as I couldn’t find a good open source app that showed allergy/pollen information.
This does seem to show allergens for some areas, though not all. Possibly a bug given the provider (AccuWeather) does provide it for each area on their website. If that’s fixed I’d probably be able to use it exclusively.
Just downloaded Geometric a couple weeks back, will check this one out!
Nice! I don’t have any issues or bugs with geometric, but it’s good to know development is going forward elsewhere, in case of future incompatibilities or api changes.
Wauuu it’s looks great and better than GW, I was change and I’m happy.
Can you link to it? I have never heard of it before
We need to get Wheezey Waiter to promote Breezy Weather on a podcast called Cheezy Wrangler. Link in the dooblydoo /s