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This weekly thread will focus on the word “Woke” and its meaning, use, and misuse.

Some Starters (and don’t feel you have to speak on all or any of them if you don’t care to):

  • What does the word mean to you?
  • Is it applied correctly or incorrectly?
  • Is it even applicable any longer?
  • Do you feel that Conservative media misapplies it, and is “everything I don’t like is woke” an appropriate sentiment or simply uncharitable?
  • snooggums
    8 months ago

    Woke basically means being aware of inequality, and speaking up about it. Yws, ut had a specific meaning that was more nuanced, but at this point the general use is abiut awareness and speaking ip.

    It is extrmely important to spread awareness to increase the chances of society improving for minorities and other groups that are disproportionately harmed by society. To enact that change people need to be aware it exists, and repetition helps for ideas to sink in so speaking up frequently is important.

    Conservatives mainly demonize it as a concept, but also use the term to dismiss people raising concerns as whining about things that are in the past even though they are not. So it is less that they are using the term to mean something else, but denying the fact that systemic racism and other discrimination still exists. Same with how they demonize DEI, by acting like acknowledging and addressing inequality is a bad thing.