What makes Lemmy part of the Fediverse? Can one follow a Lemmy community from say a Mastodon account and receive post updates from the Lemmy Community when someone posts to the community they are following?

  • Joe Bidet
    71 year ago

    what lemmy gives you: 1/ communities where news are aggregated on themes, that you can follow (also from mastodon) 2/ elaborate threading system for the replies 3/ up/down votes for the news and the comments 4/ views based on the above, allowing to look only at the new, the hot, the commented, etc.

    it’s not competition. it’s cooperation and complementarity <3

    • Jonas Vautherin
      31 year ago

      @JoeBidet Not complaining, just trying to understand :).

      But then do Mastodon toots appear on Lemmy? Or is it only Lemmy “posts” appearing on Mastodon?

      Also how is the threading system more advanced on Lemmy? It’s just a different UI for the same tree of answers, isn’t it?

      • Cold Hotman
        21 year ago

        Not really. Very simply, Lemmy is made to follow groups while Mastodon follows users. Peertube (YouTube alternative) shares videos in playlists (groups) so they’re simple to follow from Lemmy. When friendica (Facebook style) users posts to forums (groups) its basically the same as Lemmy does, but with a different interface. They’re all interoperable since they use the group function.

        • Jonas Vautherin
          01 year ago

          @coldhotman I see… so it’s a bit like bridges between e.g. Matrix and IRC, right?

          Actually it’s apparently not completely interoperable: opening the lemmy link on my browser, I see an answer (from Friendica) that I can’t seem to see from Mastodon…

          • Cold Hotman
            41 year ago

            Like bridges, in the way they connect services yes. Unlike bridges, they don’t need to translate between different protocols - its all ActivityPub.

            Lemmy operates on the group standard, Friendica fully supports it. Mastodon don’t. I suspect that’s related to why you can’t see it on some platforms.

            Mastodon operates on single user standard, so we can’t subscribe to individual users on Lemmy.

            Friendica has it right, they support both!