What makes Lemmy part of the Fediverse? Can one follow a Lemmy community from say a Mastodon account and receive post updates from the Lemmy Community when someone posts to the community they are following?

  • @creatinglake@lemmy.mlOP
    01 year ago

    I hear ya. I am wondering if what we ultimately want is some independent Fediverse account that we an use to join any “space” like a Lemmy Community as well as each having a Feverse Feed/Inbox. Perhaps we could get notifications from the Lemmy Community posts via that feed, with a brief decryption/post about the activity. One could then either do a simple reply to the post or click on that descrition/post to open the Lemmy community (or some other Fediverse space) in a new tab to access all of the rich functionality. Does this make sense?

    • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
      11 year ago

      @creatinglake I’m not entirely sure what you mean, but I get the theory - you’re saying it should require only one account to use any service in the fediverse. I don’t think that’s compatible with the way ActivityPub is structured now - although it would certainly help if every server used the standard client-to-server protocol, rather than a dozen variants on Mastodon’s - but a different standard might be able to make that work. It would have a lot of implications for security, though.