An obscure song i like is Library Takeout by MicrOpaqu3.

YT Link

More info/The story/Background


Thank you for sharing, everyone!
I’m slowly going through the comments and enjoying a variety of good and interesting music!

      • SwingingTheLamp
        2 months ago

        The song is “No Mercy in June” by a band called Hot D.A.M. I’m pretty sure that I got the song by piecing together a multi-part, MIME-encoded Usenet posting. Somehow, I have a whole album by the band in my collection that I found somewhere on the seven seas years ago. I don’t recall when or where now. The best information that I could find back when was that Hot D.A.M. was one of those local bands that stayed local, perhaps one of the many that bubble up out of the musical quantum foam, and disappear just as quickly.