I’ve been looking for a free Reddit alternative and preferably one that was federated. I’m not really sure how federation works with this though. A lot of similar sites are just personal projects that people made as a hobby that lack a lot of important features or the interface was really ugly.

I haven’t seen how to moderate communities though but the Github page says this can be done, which I consider important since I want moderation to be done by communities and users rather then admins. If there’s a quarantine feature similar to Reddit that would be useful too so I don’t just have to ban communities.

  • @Muhammad1410@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I’m here from Reddit because r/nonewnormal was shadow banned. Made me look into alternatives. I found ruqqus but knowing it wasn’t fedirated that it would fall into the same issues that current Reddit is facing which is censorship by the webmasters.

    • Jedrax
      13 years ago

      I’m just going to point out the obvious: it’s a good thing that r/nonewnormal was banned. The last thing Reddit wants to host is COVID-19 misinformation/denial.