With government funding set to expire on Friday night, Democrats find themselves in the position of being able to block the GOP bill, but also wary of the government shutdown that would ensue if they do so. Democratic leaders are instead pushing for a 30-day funding extension that would allow more time for negotiations on new spending bills — a nonstarter, given Republican control of the House and Senate.
A possible solution began to emerge after Senate Democrats met on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. The plan would call for Democrats to provide the votes needed to advance the GOP bill in exchange for a vote on an amendment with their own one-month stopgap measure, which would almost certainly fail. Democrats who oppose the GOP version could then vote against its final passage. Some members see it as a way to save face while also avoiding a shutdown.
“I think we’re going to all be ‘no’ on cloture unless we get an agreement to propose at least this 30-day clean [continuing resolution] amendment and maybe a couple of others,” Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia told reporters Thursday morning. “So we’ll be ‘no’ on cloture unless we get an agreement to do that. I’m not aware of whether the Republicans have agreed to that yet, but we’ll be ‘no’ on cloture if we don’t get it, and I think that’s a unified position.”
Dems need to vote NO across the board. Obstruct obstruct obstruct - let them have a taste of their own medicine!
Schumer will fuck it up for everyone and cave
The problem with that is the Republicans did that because they controlled either the House or the Senate. The Democrats control neither.
The Republicans do not currently have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Dems can’t pass anything, but they absolutely can prevent stuff from passing.
That would take courage. Like useless Chuck Schumer, The corporate Dems have none.
Things our Representatives can do to fight back, delay, and obstruct Trump’s fascist agenda:
For Senate Democrats:
Weaponizing Quorum Calls: No Majority, No Business
Most of the time, Senators are not on the Senate floor. But technically, the Senate is not allowed to conduct official business unless a majority of senators (51 if all seats are filled) are present. That’s called a quorum, and it’s the foundation of Senate procedure. If a quorum isn’t present, the Senate grinds to a halt. The friendly thing to do is to NOT ask if there is a quorum - that’s how MOST business moves forward in the Senate. But Senate Democrats can use their power in the minority to call for a quorum and cause massive disruptions by constantly demanding quorum calls and even walking out to deny Republicans the ability to govern.
Blocking Unanimous Consent: Every Action Must Take the Maximum Time
Unanimous consent is the grease that keeps the Senate moving. Normally, the Senate runs on handshake deals—routine matters like scheduling votes, moving bills forward, or skipping over procedural steps all happen only if no senator objects. That’s called unanimous consent (UC)—and if even one Democrat objects, it forces the Senate to go through long, time-consuming processes to get anything done.
For House Democrats
1. Procedural Hardball to Slow Down the Coup
2. Show Up and Fight in Committees
3. Investigate and Expose MAGA Sabotage
4. Take the Fight to the Public