I have been hearing about temperature issues in prisons in Texas since I was a child. I can’t help but think this stems from a lot of Americans thinking of prisons as places to be punished, not rehabilitated. This quote makes me crazy:
Department officials acknowledge it is hot inside its prisons but deny that the conditions are unconstitutional. During testimony in the case last year, Department Executive Director Bryan Collier argued it would be financially and logistically impossible to immediately install A/C in every one of the state’s prisons and noted that he is working diligently to fix the problem within their fiscal constraints.
This has been an issue for a WHILE. Bryan Collier’s statement makes it seem like this is something we just found out about that can’t all be fixed at once.
I understand (some) people go to prison for awful things they’ve done, but they shouldn’t have to deal with a Texas summer with no AC on top of that.
Another fun quote: