• the_itsb (she/her)
    910 months ago

    I’ve lived in Ohio most of my 41 years and had never heard of goetta before just now. Googling tells me it’s mostly a Cincinnati thing, and that’s the part of the state I’ve spent the least time in. I guess that explains why I’ve not seen it, but doesn’t help me understand why it’s a state food. Spaghetti chili from Cincinnati spread a lot more than goetta. We even used to have a Skyline Chili on Union Street in Athens!

    Can’t argue buckeyes though, that’s a classic.

    • Theroddd he/him/his
      110 months ago

      Goetta or scrapple either one are damn tasty. Cannot fathom why anyone would like skyline, but to each their own.

      • tiredofsametab
        110 months ago

        Cannot fathom why anyone would like skyline, but to each their own.

        I crave it and have relatives send me the spice mix packets over every now and again. My wife isn’t even American and she loves it. I did hate it when I first had it (I was expecting typical chili), but had it again and liked it for what it was. I don’t like calling it ‘chili’, though, for what it’s worth.