We all know about how Reddit closed-sourced back in 2017 and will be killing off third-party apps this July, what will Lemmy.ml do to avoid facing the same fate? Reddit started off like this (open, aiming for freedom) and it all went downhill from there.

  • @jarfil@lemmy.ml
    31 year ago

    That’s some nice Lemmy drama. The admin seems like an anti-vaxx doctor, no sympathy there. The alternatives they mention, (like calling Twitter good), would you say they’re all best to be avoided?

    • comfy
      21 year ago

      The alternatives? haha I don’t think you need to ask. Naturally I don’t use them, but many were either born or populated by communities banned from reddit or similar for being hate communities. So in the unlikely case any actually weren’t made with the intended target audience of toxic bigots, their userbase would have made it the case, just like Wolfballs.