We all know about how Reddit closed-sourced back in 2017 and will be killing off third-party apps this July, what will Lemmy.ml do to avoid facing the same fate? Reddit started off like this (open, aiming for freedom) and it all went downhill from there.

  • TerrorBite :veripawed3:
    71 year ago

    The beauty of the Fediverse is that it doesn’t matter if it does. There could be instances like Voat/Poal, and there could be instances like pre-Digg-exodus Reddit, and if the divide is big enough the two sides will defederate from each other and won’t communicate. This is a solved problem in the microblog side of the Fediverse (Mastodon/Pleroma/Misskey/etc), where there is a huge variety of instances. Sign up on an instance whose rules and moderation you prefer, and you’ll be fine.

    • @unix_joe@lemmy.ml
      11 year ago

      Yeah, I’m seeing that on Mastodon. I’ve been there for a couple of years.

      It’s much more left leaning, a nicer community, and it looks like the servers are set up block Gab.