Taking away a lane for cars to create a dedicated bus lane made for faster commutes for everyone, thanks to faster, more reliable service on one of the region’s busiest bus routes.

  • awesomesauce309
    1 year ago

    And how many corporations force people to come downtown into offices, and either through fossil fuel emissions or tire particulate, pump carcinogens into high traffic/high population areas? If we want to reduce corporate pollution then we should plan to reduce it across the board, and not allow these real estate companies to dictate WFH.

    The responsibility to transition to a sustainable world isn’t on the people. But it is the people’s responsibility to ensure their government is legislating issues like this properly. Failure to do so is letting down all future generations. This summer shows the results of 50 years of failing to face these issues head on and instead allowing profits to influence legislation. One of those influences is to force cars on people.

    I understand you like your cars but I believe most people only have their cars for these reasons: to get necessities, go to work, and maybe childcare. And many can’t afford the gas to go much further. If more neighborhoods were designed to human scale, so you could walk or ride a bike to access the peoples common needs, that would make living much more affordable and sustainable for many.