Was having a conversation with a mod who was upset that I downvoted their opinion. Apparently if you disagree, you are banned. Looking at you @CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml. I wouldn’t consider anything I did trolling or a violation of the rules of c/scandalzilla.

Here is the post if anyone wants to validate: https://lemmy.ml/post/163594

    -22 years ago

    I report you for constantly calling me a prick and then justify it with the worlds - since they’re right -.

    Your entire existence here on Lemmy is to troll others.

    4 user poster once again, nothing to help or add except insulting others.

    • Arcaneslime
      12 years ago

      The only user I have trolled is you (admittedly, I am trolling you), this again goes back to the ever famous “Five Assholes” theory.

      Sorry I don’t use lemmy as much as you, I guess that makes me inferior huh? Get a job lmao.