• Beefalo
    1 year ago

    Fake story, probably, I doubt raccoons train like dogs, and if “Darcy” was that talented then they wouldn’t be getting yelled at, they’d be in charge. “Darcy” isn’t real. But nobody will ever catch OP lying, and they got the attention, they win.

    Not only do people constantly lie online for attention and whatever money they can get, we also have to always remind ourselves that ChatGPT will spit out “a reddit post with a lot of upvotes” just fine, and it will be original enough work, too. It will certainly look like any other post. There’s not even weird fingers to look for, a text post might as well be human, we can’t spot it, there’s no usable tells. Typos, narrative incompetence and shit spelling are more likely to be human than bot, that’s no help at all. ChatGPT likely wrote the Darcy story, or could have.

    Everything about this can be easily automated. There’s not even a guy feeding prompts into the machine, it’s feeding itself. Someone set it all up, got it running, and walked away weeks ago, they come by once a day to make sure it’s not doing anything weird, and that it’s getting whatever results (desirable upvotes on a sellable account) they want. The account might only be worth $3, but they didn’t work for that, and they’re running 100 of these accounts.

    Or they aren’t that serious, it’s all just resume padding for them, and they’re putting “Experienced in AI content generation and management techniques” down, hitting all the keywords. Everyone is getting lied to in bulk by a robot 24/7 just so this person can add a line to the CV.

    That’s where we’re at now, and I think everyone over 40 needs a bit of a lecture about it, not that they don’t already understand, it’s just going to take ten years to internalize the new reality. Everything online is now almost certainly false, autogenerated or at least heavily modified, as with face filters, and this will bear a lot of repeating.

    Every time I hear some old fart grumble about TikTok and how they hate it and blah blah, I think, uh oh, he hasn’t seen those fucking face filters in action, he has no idea how freaky it’s gotten. Dude is going to be easily fooled in the future, catfished to be damned if he’s lucky.

    We still kind of assume the other people online are at least flesh and blood, that they’re still some guy with a government ID, even if he’s pretending to be a wolf right now. We still kinda see a photo and treat it as evidence, when it now means absolutely nothing.

    That’s all gone now. All of this is fiction, or at least you have to treat it like fiction. Most of the newer crop of users, human or not, firmly believe they have a right to lie to you for clicks. Of course, they know that people don’t want their pedestrian lies, so they don’t mind letting you assume they speak truth, so that you’ll pay attention.

    If they get busted they’ll just act like everyone else is unreasonable, and that they have a god-given right to “tell stories if they want to”, insisting that you grow up or whatever. A lot of people genuinely believe they have a right to lie if it suits them, and that the responsibility is entirely on you to either catch their lies or at least assume they are always lying, and if you get caught by their lies, YOU are the stupid child, and it’s you that has to change your behavior. It would be unreasonable for them to experience consequences. That’s how they think. And now they want money, and now they’re all here. That’s before we even talk about robots. This consistent lying is now a business model, it’s a television show they’re scripting, they just don’t feel like announcing the truth because it would cost them views.

    We’re so, so fucking far beyond “kids and weirdos making shit up for attention sometimes” now, and that problem was already bad enough. The internet of 1998 was already a paradise for compulsive liars, but we’re way past even that, today. There’s a lot of money in social media clicks and views, and a lot of grown people granting themselves the right to lie to your face because it pays their rent.

    So yeah. Darcy isn’t real. Those raccoons never moved a single bag. Get in the habit of treating all photographs as automatically false until proved otherwise, as well, and I don’t think video is going to be real for much longer, either. I give it 5 years before completely false footage, of, say, war, is not distinguishable from real footage, not for the average person, even a smart one. In 5 years a serious expert may struggle to definitively say, “this is fake”. The rest of us are boned.

    I give it 5 years before somebody can fabricate a video of you robbing a liquor store that would probably hold up in court. Honestly? They can do that now. Things are getting grim, and of course you’re a little whiny baby bitch Luddite shut up no talking for doing anything except shaking your cheerleader pom poms for AI, don’t expect any social pushback to slow this down, this is getting forced into your life like the iPhone. Buy NVDA. Or just SPY that works too.

    I’d start treating all this social media like a smoking habit if I were you, I don’t see this having positive outcomes for the vast majority of people. We had 20 years to enjoy it, it’s time to let socials become a digital Gary, Indiana, abandoned, except for bots posting at bots being financially exploited by “influencers”, who aren’t real, either but nobody really lives there anymore.