Was thinking about this today, pretty unique time way back in my gaming past. Belonged to a clan that would play things like War Rock (old F2P game), Battlefield 2, early CoD games, etc.

It was really the only time I belonged to a gaming clan, and I remember (maybe through the lens of nostalgia?) having a great time with it. Someone was always on voice chat, I think we used TeamSpeak then switched to Vent, then finally Mumble?

I remember it being fairly small group, so everyone knew each other. There was also a really wide range of ages as well, so it was almost more like a strange family than a group of friends.

Just funny to think back, how frequently we all talked to each other, without ever having actually met in-person. Then it just kind of faded away slowly, I couldn’t even tell you why / when I stopped.

Anyone else have similar experience / memories? Do you still belong to any gaming clans or guilds today (new or old)?

  • CycloneWolf
    8 months ago

    I played with the same group of people for over ten years. We started with CS:S, through TF2, BF2142, Guild Wars, WoW, and a bunch of other small games nobody remembers. Then it all fell apart over politics, as too many things do these days. I’ve joined other communities since then but you can’t build those sorts of relationships again.