There is something delightful about riding a bicycle. Once mastered, the simple action of pedaling to move forward and turning the handlebars to steer makes bike riding an effortless activity.

  • pshyco_sain
    1 year ago

    There are multiple reasons why I think basic riding and how to fix/maintain a bike should be taught in schools.

    The dead simple machines make it easy to actually see and understand what’s going on. It’s a good starting point for people to actually be able to fix their stuff later on.

    Then you also have a lot of really easy examples of how simple mechanic and physics topics that everyone should be familiar with.

    You can even start going into it for a lot of muscles since we use a lot of them for balance.

    Then probably the most important, riding bikes is fun and an activity that children will at least likely want to do. If you can get the parents to do it with them even better.