ability to crosspost comments or textposts from within the fediverse
reading lists beyond just subscribed (a la “multireddits”)
the ability to tag other users a la RES
user flair for munis
better mod controls (eg. make it easier to add or remove additional mods, automoderation, more streamlined reporting, federate moderation more effectively)
better control of a user’s own content (eg. being able to delete posts effectively)
a culture of providing summaries for links
fewer videos and images
ability to crosspost comments or textposts from within the fediverse
reading lists beyond just subscribed (a la “multireddits”)
the ability to tag other users a la RES
user flair for munis
better mod controls (eg. make it easier to add or remove additional mods, automoderation, more streamlined reporting, federate moderation more effectively)
better control of a user’s own content (eg. being able to delete posts effectively)
ninja edits for tupos
Where are you seeing videos? Or are you talking about links to YouTube?