There is so much wilderness out there. Completely free to access. Well you are not really supposed to camp in the wild in many countries but who cares? For those willing to brave it out there I highly recommend you get a nice hammock. The camping experience goes up no end. Not only does it solve the issue of not find soft, flat ground in the wild but it reduces the amount you have to carry. No inflatable mattress or tent. Just a hammock and a lightweight tarp. After a bit of practice, putting them up and taking them down takes minutes. You can get a wonderful nights sleep.

    • @Bobbycostner@lemmygrad.mlOP
      32 years ago

      I’ve seen 3 people share a hammock once on the program Naked and Afraid, it did not look fun. Personally the idea of sharing a hammock with even one person doesn’t sound great. My friend brings his little dog long sometimes and he sleeps in his hammock with him. I think that’s the limit.