Mine was cancelled as it should have happened during covid.

I might have gone just to see a few people I enjoyed hanging out with, but lost touch with. And it’s okay, life happened and we all moved on to something else.

I still have a few friends from high school I see on a regular basis, so maybe I have actually regular high school reunions?

  • snooggums
    1 year ago

    I got to see and hang out with enough classmates during university that the change to adulthood was gradually and drifting away makes a reunion far less appealing than a hard end where people go their own ways at the end of high school and don’t stay in touch. While I wouldn’t mind seeing a few people other than those I stayed in touch with, a brief social gathering where some people want to brag about their successes and others try to put on a positive face for their poor decisions just isn’t appealing.

    Plus we had 450 in the class and no real class identity so it isn’t like there is nostalgia pulling people back. I think a few people tried to organize one around 20 years after, but I didn’t recognize anyone planning and the people I still talk to didn’t go and we can see each other when we want already.

    There’s a few people who moved pretty far away I wouldn’t mind catching up with, but to be honest we both have had the opportunity to do so and not following through is probably a clue that we have drifted far enough apart that memories are enough.