Stuff that, back when you were in the economic clutches of your parents, you could but dream of having.

For me, there were several. The Dreamcast was the first, then the PS2, back in the early 2000s

More recently, I’ve been completely enthralled by the Amiga and what it offered back in the late 80s. That’s a system that was never available around my parts (Brazil), even as a clone product or contraband

  • jecxjo
    2 years ago

    I was a Nintendo kid but had a neighbor who was only up in the summer and they had an Atari so my game fix for consoles was pretty good. Was on BBS downloading games via dialup for my PC (back in the 386 days).

    Think it was around 5th grade when this new kid moved to town from Califorina. He was a Sega and Neo Geo kid. So of course I fawned over his system as he was the one that diferent from all the rest of us.