🎶🎶 The Last Drive-In (gotta watch 'em all-lll)
It’s Joe Bob and me-eee
We know it’s our destiny-yyy
Darcy, you’re our best friend
Shitty movies we must defend
The Last Drive-In (gotta watch 'em all-lll)
A passion so true
The drive-in totals will pull us throughhhh
Joe Bob teaches, we’ll learn from you
The Last Drive-In, gotta watch 'em all
Gotta watch 'em alllllll

You know that I literally only take one responsibility seriously, and that’s making sure we renew our commitment to Kung Fu City every Friday evening. Don’t forget to say your prayers, fam.

Movie 1: Mad God
Movie 2: Perfect Blue

  • hrimfaxi_workOPM
    2 years ago

    I felt the same. I was expecting to appreciate the movies and get the usual deep dive, but I wasn’t expecting to be as all-in as I was. Mad God had me fully engrossed! Perfect Blue was also top shelf stuff.

    And it just wouldn’t be Drive-In night without Shudder fucking up. It’s been part of the experience since day one. Why mess with perfection, you know?